Yom Chamishee
2 Adar I 5782
February 3 2022
Photos of the Day

Some of the approximately 1500 female seminary students demonstrating today at the Jaffa Gate in Jerusalem. They were demanding that the government not close the Chomesh yeshiva.
A poignant moment:
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
60,537 new cases of Corona were diagnosed yesterday bringing to 434,322 the number of active cases in the country.
The positive test rate was 28.56%.
1,147 are in serious condition; 353 in critical.
9,013 Israelis have died according to the Health Ministry database—an increase of 86 since yesterday.
The numbers keep rising, and the Health Ministry data continues to be questionable. For example, how is it possible that the newly confirmed cases yesterday and today are within 2,000 of each other (around 64,000)?
Even more questionable is the daily death count. Two days ago the number was 202; yesterday it was 1; today it is 86. Obviously something is amiss.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with Molotovs and “rocks” between Emanuel and Ginspot, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near Al Aruv, on Road 55 between Karnei Shomron and Azzun, at Huwara, Beit Omer, and at many other locations.
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Palestinian terrorists opened fire at Kiryat Netafim.
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli police near Alei Zahav.
The above information is from Rescue Without Boundaries SSF.
Which Story Would You Have Chosen?
Your humble servant has been debating about which of the following should be the subject of Today’s Blog.
Which one would you have chosen?
Bennett and Gantz Fawning On Biden Again?
PM Bennett, FM Lapid, and “Defense” Gantz have been slobbering praise on Biden all day for American special forces taking out ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi.
“Defense” Minister Gantz Signs an MOU with Bahrain?
The always gallivanting Gantz signed what he called “a historic” memorandum of understanding with the King of Bahrain on defense matters. Other than the fact that the MOU is with an Arab country, one wonders what Israel and Bahrain have actually agreed to.
Israel Agrees To Allow More Gazans Into Israel?
As we have pointed out previously, one pillar of this government is to flood Israel with Palestinians from all directions. Today’s announcement adds thousands more Gazans to the rolls of those who can enter the country.
FM Lapid Puts His Foot In His Mouth Again?
This time Lapid blathered that he didn’t think that Ukraine has anything to fear from Russia–a comment that sent Ukrainian leaders into a rage.
It Looks Like The Police Spied Illegally On Other Netanyahu Witnesses?
Now it appears that the police probably used Pegasus spyware on the associate of Nir Hefetz–the chief witness against Netanyahu.
No Support For The LGBT Community In This Coalition?
For a coalition government so supposedly supportive of the LGBT community, the idea of having an LGBT shelter for those in the community at risk was shot down today by the Islamist Ra’am Party which is holding the coalition together. According t0 Ra’am, supporting gays would go against “Muslim values and religion.”
Trying To Kill Israelis On A Train Is OK?
In yet another incomprehensible ruling today, an Israeli judge set free a Palestinian terrorist who attacked the Jerusalem light rail train with “rocks” and other projectiles. According to the judge, “there is a difference between attacking a train and attacking cars.”
Well, I think that is enough for you to choose from in the often surreal world of Israel. Which one would you have expounded upon?