Soaring Israeli Economy . . . Soaring Falafel Prices

Yom Reva’ee


15 Adar I 5782

February 16 2022


Photo and Quote of the Day

Actor and activist Jon Voigt (right) with Yossi Dagan, the head of the Yesha Council this morning.

Actor and activist Jon Voight (right) with Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Council this morning.

As you can see in the above photo, Yossi Dagan is holding a bottle of wine that he is giving to Jon Voight. As he did so, his remarks:

“What I hold in my hand is not just a bottle of wine. Two thousand years ago the prophet Jeremiah promised that one day the people of Israel would return to their land, return to Samaria and plant vineyards. When I give you wine from the settlement of Har Bracha at the top of Mount Gerizim, it’s not just a bottle of wine, you are actually holding a prophecy of Jeremiah that is being fulfilled right here.”

Your humble servant has long been impressed by Voight’s support of Israel and welcomes his visit to Israel. 


The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Good news from Gaza:

Another dead terrorist from in a tunnel collapse.

Another dead terrorist from in a tunnel collapse. Good riddance.

Yesterday morning Muhammad Ashraf Abed was just a lowly terrorist working in the tunnels under Gaza. By afternoon, he was in the ground after having his body paraded through the streets of Rafah as a “Palestinian martyr.” One wonders how many hundreds of Palestinians have died in Gaza tunnel “work accidents”.

In Judea and Samaria, the usual “rock” and Molotov attacks continued all day and night. The most egregious attacks were between Itamar and Elon Moreh, and at Hizma where a bus was attacked and its driver wounded.

The daily Corona update  . . .

20,340 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday bringing to 169,437 active cases in the country.

The positive test rate was 18.73%.

927 people are hospitalized in very serious condition; another 331 are in critical condition on ventilators.

9,651 Israelis have diedan increase of 27 since yesterday.

For the first time in along time, all the numbers are pointing in the right direction. Whether this is a stable trend or an anomaly remains to be seen.

Spyware continued . . . and the Netanyahu trial continues . . .

Can anyone believe the Israel Police or State Prosecutor’s Office anymore?

Of course not.

Today, the State Attorney’s Office told the Netanyahu trial that the police only used the spyware on the phone of star witness against Netanyahu, Shlomo Pilber, “for one day.”

What a pathetic joke–however, the Court accepted the explanation and the trial continued.


Soaring Israeli Economy . . . Soaring Falafel Prices

Strong economic numbers! . . . 

The Calcalist economic journal reports that the Israel economy grew by an astounding 20.1% in 2021, including a 16.1% increase in the fourth quarter.

This rate of increase is virtually unprecedented and outpaces most of the rest of the world.

At the same time, the GDP per capita grew by 6.3%.

On the other economic hand . . .

You just can't beat a good falafel.

You just can’t beat a good falafel.

“Falafel in the Square”, a chain with 23 outlets around the country, announced yesterday that it is raising prices by around 33%.

The paradigmatic cheap street food in a pita which once cost around 18 shekels now will cost 25 shekels.

To put it a different way, a good cheap falafel pita is no longer so cheap.

In fact, nothing in Israel is. 

This entry was posted in News and tagged angelina jolie, daily corona update, economy, falafel, Gaza, Har Bracha, jeremiah, mount gerizimjon voight, netanyahu trial, plant vineyards, Samaria, spyware, terror, the news on the israeli street, tunnel collapse, wine, yossi dagan. Bookmark the permalink.

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