Yom Shishee
17 Adar I 5782
February 18 2022
Photo of the Day
Picnickers among the poppy fields in southern Israel took this photo this afternoon:
The Culinary Dish of this Shabbat
Matbucha pie and homemade small challot:
What you may ask is “matbucha pie”? Roasted peppers (green or red), tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and lamb–all cooked as a pie.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Another murderous attack on a road in Samaria today. Note the woman bleeding on the side of her head after being struck by the rock which is in her lap that came through her shattered front windshield. The amazing bravery of Israelis living in Judea and Samaria is a thing to behold (photo: Rescue without Boundaries SSF).
Other “rock” and Molotov attacks took place at such places as Hawara near the large Yitzhar Junction, Karmi Tzur, the Halhul Bridge, between Havat Gilad and Yitzhar.
Palestinian terrorists uprooted more than 250 olive trees at Nahal Shilo; the estimated damage is tens of thousands of shekels:
The daily Corona update . . .
15,358 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday bringing to 152,411 active cases in the country.
The positive test rate was 16.16%.
808 people are hospitalized in very serious condition; another 293 are in critical condition on ventilators.
9,828 Israelis have died—an increase of 118 since yesterday.
The astonishing fact today is how many died yesterday. Apparently, a number of those who were seriously and critically ill passed away.
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Utter Failure on the Northern Front Today
What happened today does not inspire confidence in Israel’s ability to defend itself. In fact, just the contrary: the utter failures that took place have left Israelis wondering about the state of IDF preparedness.
The facts are straightforward.
1. Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah made his usual Friday speech.
2. Hezbollah then launched a spy drone from southern Lebanon into Israel. Air raid warning sirens sounded near the Lebanese border, on the southern Golan Heights, and around the Kineret (Sea of Galilee).
3. The drone stayed in Israeli airspace for 40 minutes gathering intelligence.
4. The drone penetrated into Israel a distance of 40 km (25 miles).
5. The IDF fired an Iron Dome interceptor at the drone; it missed. The IDF sent attack helicopters and aircraft to bring down the drone; they were unable to do so.
6. The drone returned safely to Lebanon.
Afterwards, Nasrallah’s son Jawad had this to say along with a photo of the Kineret which the drone took:
“Look at all the concrete, the iron, the pillars, the cameras, the planes, and the iron domes and the reputation, and how we passed over them today. We crossed all their defense systems, and showed they are incredibly helpless.”
Jawad Nasrallah is absolutely correct. The only response the IDF could muster came later today when the IAF buzzed southern Beirut “to send Nasrallah message.”
Unfortunately, the message had already been sent to Israel and to the Israeli people.
That message from Hezbollah is “we have 150,000 missiles pointed at every conceivable target in Israel, and you cannot shoot down one lousy drone with all of your sophisticated technology, interceptor rockets, and advanced helicopters and aircraft.”
It is a very devastating message.
Shabbat Shalom!