Yom Reva’ee
6 Adar II 5782
March 9 2022
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with “rocks” and Molotovs on Road 60 at Luban a-Sharqiya, between Anatot and Hizma, and throughout Gush Etzion.
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli buses on Road 60 near Umm Batin and near Ma’ale Adumim.
The daily Corona update . . .
6,668 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday bringing to 46,457 the total number of Israelis with an active case of Covid-19. One of the people who tested positive yesterday is former PM Netanyahu.
The positive test rate was 11.15%.
410 Israelis are in serious condition in hospitals with another 197 in critical condition on ventilators.
10,322 Israelis have died of Corona–0 since yesterday (but obviously this number is because of non-reporting by the Health Ministry).
On the Iranian front . . .

The Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Hussein Salami and the Commander of the Revolutionary Guards Air Force Amir Ali Hajizadeh at the funeral yesterday of one of the two Revolutionary Guards officers killed in Syria.
At 5 am Monday, Israel struck a building in the suburbs of Damascus and killed Revolutionary Guard colonels Ehsan Karbalaipour and Morteza Saidnejad. Their importance is demonstrated above in who came to their funerals.
Herzog Waxes Metaphorical With Erdogan: Say What?
This morning we were all treated to pictures like this as President Herzog kicked off his 24-hour visit to Turkey:

Israeli President Herzog shaking hands with Turkish PM Erdogan in Ankara today. Note how Erdogan is turned away from Herzog even as Herzog gives a two-handed handshake.
Afterwards, Herzog sent out this message:
“I thank Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the warm welcome in his palace. I believe that all peoples, religions and countries can and should live in our region in peace, and that partnerships will bring with them blessing and prosperity for all of us. 🇮🇱🇹🇷”
What liberal claptrap.
Here’s a taste of Erdogan through the years:
“All evil regimes are Jewish inventions!”
Recep Erdogan, his words in the play Mason-Communist-Jew he starred in while an Islamist youth leader in the 1970s.
“Israelis kill women so that they will not give birth to Palestinians; they kill babies so that they won’t grow up; they kill men so they can’t defend their country. They will drown in the blood they shed.”
Recep Erdogan August 3, 2014
“Whoever is on the side of Israel, let everyone know that we are against them.”
Recep Erdogan, July 27, 2019
“Israelis are murderers to the point that they kill children who are five or six years old. They are only satisfied by sucking their blood . . . It is in their nature.”
Recep Erdogan, May 18, 2021
The bottom line is that Erdogan is a raging anti-Semite who has spent his lifetime never missing an opportunity to virulently attack Jews and Israel whenever he running for political office, speaking at a non-political event, or just (reportedly) conversing with friends. This is not even to mention the flotillas he has financed against Israel or the way that he has tried to establish Turkish influence in Jerusalem.
But now, President Herzog hopes for a new day?
He would do better to read Aykan Edimir and Eniz Krivine’s analysis “Erdogan’s Veneer of Respect Conceals Blatant Antisemitism” that appeared in the Jerusalem Post on November 15 of last year. What follows is a paragraph from that article (bolding mine):
“Over the years, Erdogan’s opportunistic relationship with the Jewish people and the Jewish state has led to wild mood swings in Turkish-Israeli relations. Erdogan has built an entire political career on the scapegoating of Jews, but he also wants to perform the role of the tolerant leader toward Jews and other religious minorities, modeled after the Ottoman sultans and their putative benevolence toward their subjects. Similarly, Erdogan wants to benefit from cordial relations with Israel, especially in trade, defense and diplomacy, but he would like these benefits to accrue while he bashes the Abraham Accords, supports the BDS campaign and provides Hamas a logistical base in Turkey.“
So . . . can President Herzog really be so naive?