Yom Shleeshee
12 Adar II 5782
March 15 2022
The Video of the Day
Make sure you listen to the entire 3 minutes and 20 seconds as this man wearing a kipa who is in charge of foreign fighters in the Ukraine explains why he is there and why you must do something. Click here to watch this inspirational video.
By the way, the speaker’s name is Daniel Lipshitz.
Photos of the Morning
Click here to see snow falling in Hevron.
Purim begins tomorrow night, but costumes are already out in full force:

A cute Queen Esther. Your humble servant enjoys seeing children dressed as Queen Esther or as Mordechai.
Some of the staff at Tel Hashomer Hospital:
Another Queen Esther:
Remembering that Purim is not just for kids:
The Incredible Statement of the Morning
“We will not impose sanctions on Russia related to the restoration of the nuclear agreement with Iran.”
U.S. State Department spokesman this morning
Can you believe this?
The Biden Administration is so desperate to sign a nuclear weapons appeasement agreement with Iran that it is willing to loosen the economic sanctions on Putin so that Russia and Iran can do business together–and thereby bring Russia back to Vienna to sign the agreement.
Russian FM Laprov underscored all of this at a meeting with the Iranian FM who is visiting Moscow today: “We have received written guarantees from the United States that sanctions against us will not affect our cooperation with Iran.”
Unbelievable. Outrageous. Utterly flabbergasting.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours . . .
A terrorist was killed this morning in Qalandiya during an attack on our forces.
Road 55 between Karnei Shomron and Azzun, between Baruchin and Peduel, near Ofra, Balata, Hizma and a myriad of other locations were where Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis yesterday with “rocks” and Molotovs.
Another travesty from the Israeli judicial system . . .
A Palestinian woman who tried to strangle to death a Jew in the Muslim Quarter two and a half years ago will not be prosecuted.
This despite the fact that the attack was recorded on video and the fact that she confessed that she wanted to kill the victim because he was a Jew.
Nevertheless, the prosecution has decided to drop all charges.
The Continuing “War” With Iran
Your humble servant does not want to overdramatize what is happening between Israel and Iran, but the events of the last month can only be described as Phase 1 of war.
In some cases, it is difficult to ferret out the truth such as the Iranian claim yesterday that it had foiled a Mossad attempt to sabotage the Fordow nuclear facility.
However, let’s go back for a moment and review:
In mid-February, six Israeli drones apparently taking off from Erbil (Kurdish) in Iraq carried out a massive airstrike on an Iranian airbase in western Iran near Kermansheh. Hundreds of Iranian drones were destroyed. This went unreported at the time and has only recently been confirmed by Hezbollah media.
On March 7, Israel struck a building in the suburbs of Damascus and killed Revolutionary Guard colonels Ehsan Karbalaipour and Morteza Saidnejad.
Which was followed by an attack by Iran on buildings in Erbil Iraq which Iranians say Israel used to launch the drones that attacked the Iranian military base.
Which was followed by the massive cyber attack last night on Israeli infrastructure which no one is talking about this morning. Who knows what was compromised.
All of this was followed by an appearance in the U.S. Congress yesterday by Gen. Kenneth Mackenzie who pointed out that Iran now has some 3000 ballistic missiles capable of hitting Tel Aviv–and that the Revolutionary Guards have painted “Death to the Zionists” on each of them.
If this is something other than an ongoing war, your humble servant would like for you to tell me what it is.