Yom Shnee
25 Adar II 5782
March 28 2022
May Their Memories Always Be For A Blessing

Yezan Falah (left) and Shirel Aboukrat: the two Border Police who were murdered in Hadera yesterday.
Sgt. Falah (19 years old) was a resident of the Druze village of Kisra-Sumei who had served in the Border Police in Samaria for the last year. Policewoman Shirel Aboukret of Netanya (also 19 years old), was an immigrant from France in 2006 who realized her dream of joining the Border Police six months ago.
During the gun battle with the armed terrorists, five more fighters were wounded, one critically.
Video of the Day
Click here to watch a 45 second video of Knesset Legislator Itamar Ben Gvir confronting Homeland Security Minister Amar Bar Lev following the funeral of Sgt. Falah for talking about alleged Jewish violence against Arabs. What Ben Gvir continually asks Bar-Lev is “Aren’t you embarrassed? Why aren’t you ashamed? How can you make such claims when Jews have been murdered?
Quote of the Day
“This is not a new threat. ISIS in Israel is actually another name for radical Palestinian Islamic struggle. What Hamas, the PLO, and ISIS have in common is one thing, the elimination of Israel. If they had real capability, an army, and a nuclear bomb, we would not be here.”
Israeli commentator Zvi Yehezkeli speaking today about the “ISIS” attacks in Beersheva and Hadera.
You dear readers with a long enough memory have seen how the Israeli government has continuously morphed terror organizations into the “good guys”.
First, we had the PLO ridiculously transformed by the Oslo Accords into an organization that wanted peace. At that time, Hamas became the bad guys.
Then, during the course of the last decade even amidst occasional wars with Israel, we have seen how the Israeli government has rehabilitated Hamas while identifying Islamic Jihad as the primary bad guy.
Now, it appears that Islamic Jihad is no longer foremost on the terror list. That place belongs to Palestinian ISIS.
However, as Yehezkeli said, there is no difference between the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and ISIS when it comes to Israel.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
15,615 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday bringing to 71,410 the total number of Israelis with an active case of Covid-19.
The positive test rate was 22.08%.
278 Israelis are in serious condition in hospitals with another 135 in critical condition on ventilators.
10,485 Israelis have died of Corona–25 since Friday.
The Disastrous Message of the Negev Summit

The Foreign Ministers’ summit in Sde Boker. A smiling Lapid (the short man in the middle) with U.S. Secretary of State Blinkin to his left.
We have had a 24 hours in Israel full of talk from PM Bennett about “a changing Middle East” and FM Lapid extoling a “new regional architecture.”
We even had our abominable Minister of Homeland Security Amar Bar-Lev speaking at the funeral of Sgt. Falah about how we cannot let “extreme factors impair regional co-operation efforts to improve stability and security.”
All of these statements were alluding to the “Negev Summit” in Sde Boker which included Israel FM Lapid, U.S. Secretary of State Blinkin, and the Foreign Ministers of Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco, and the United Arab Emirates. Notably absent was supposedly moderate Jordan whose King Abdullah chose to fly to Ramallah and talk to PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas instead.
The purpose of the meeting was ostensibly to create a deterrence to regional aggression by Iran–though one wonders how well that purpose meshed with the participation of Blinkin who by all accounts will soon be there in Vienna when the New Iranian Nuclear Weapons Appeasement Agreement is signed. This Agreement will literally put billions of dollars into Iranian coffers to fund terror throughout the region.
However, Iran was not the only item on the Foreign Ministers’ Agenda.
Much of the talk was about the poor Palestinians and their lack of a state which led to this joint statement from the Egyptian and Moroccan Foreign Ministers at the summit’s conclusion–as Israeli FM Lapid stood by smiling:
“Israel must allow a Palestinian state to be established on the basis of 67 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.”
A changing Middle East? Stability? Security?
This is the same old song, a disastrous message that is now apparently endorsed by the Israeli government.