Yom Rishon
24 Adar II 5782
March 27 2022
Connecting the Dots:
The Hadera Terror Attack Today and Our Hideous Government
At around 8:40 pm Israel time this evening, two terrorists armed with automatic weapons opened fire at Israelis on Herbert Samuel Street in Hadera. Two Border Police were murdered, and five more Israelis were wounded (one is critical, one serious, and three moderate). Eventually, the two terrorists were killed.
These are the weapons that were found on the terrorists:

A few of the weapons carried by the terrorists in Hadera this evening. The man in black beside the policeman is our odious “Minister of Homeland Security” Amar Bar-Lev.
This attack comes on the heels of the terror attack in Beersheva several days ago in which 4 Israelis were murdered.
Only a blind man cannot see the connections between these attacks and the actions of our cowardly government.
Let’s understand why.
To begin with, the last few months have seen this government focus all of its attention on what the Biden Administration and Bennett government like to call “Jewish terrorism.” Many resources have been devoted to razing the minuscule Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, arresting Jewish community members who try to defend themselves, and freezing any construction in Jewish communities.
At the same time, the Bennett government led by Bennett, Gantz, and Lapid have gone to extraordinary lengths to embrace the Palestinians and Israeli-Arabs by handing out huge sums of money, easing Palestinian entry requirements into Israel, and totally ignoring illegal Palestinian construction in Area C of Judea and Samaria.
The point that is obvious to every terrorist is that no attention is being paid them.
All of this was underscored today at the pathetic news conference of PM Bennett and visiting U.S. Secretary of State Blinkin who stopped in Jerusalem as the first stop on a quick tour of the Middle East.
That press conference featured Secretary Blinkin treating Israel like some vassal state as he demanded that:
–Israel continue the freeze on construction in Area C of Judea and Samaria
–Israel not follow court orders to evict illegal Palestinian squatters in eastern Jerusalem
Blinken patronizingly said such actions would be provocative and would raise tensions during the Ramadan holiday season.
Blinken even went so far as to seemingly sign off on a division of Jerusalem by saying that he would be going immediately to visit PLO representatives in Ramallah and “east Jerusalem.”
He also lauded our abominable “Defense” Minister Gantz for meeting with PLO officials–especially PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
At the same time, Blinkin refused to identify the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terror organization.
What was PM Bennett’s response to all of this when it was his turn to speak?
First he waxed metaphorical about “a changing Middle East” and then ranted on about how his cabinet had just approved 20,000 more workers to be admitted from Gaza, how his government would be forking out 40 million shekels to make it easier for Gazans to cross into Israel, and how his government was making life more comfortable in “the West Bank”.
In short, a kneeling Bennett kissed Blinkin’s hind end.
And in using the term “West Bank” and avoiding its true name of Judea and Samaria, Bennett signed off on adopting the Palestinian description of the territory. Even Israeli news commentators were flabbergasted at Bennett’s new terminology with one of them (Amit Siegel) writing this:
“The blindness and audacity of the US Secretary of State to evade the statement that the Revolutionary Guards are a terrorist organization while explaining that the main danger to ‘Spring and Ramadan’ is Jewish violence and construction in Judea and Samaria should have made the prime minister say something other than the West Bank phrase.”
What is the bottom line?
We are way past the time when this Coalition government should be booted out of office. Its policies of kneeling before Ra’am Islamic Party, the Biden Administration, the PLO, and Hamas are bringing Israel to ruin.
And are costing the lives of Israeli citizens like those in Hadera today. How many more Israelis must die?
Addendum: Late reports are that the two terrorists in Hadera, like the one in Beersheva, are Israeli-Arabs (self-proclaimed Palestinians) who are connected with ISIS. They apparently came from Umm al-Fahm.