Monthly Archives: June 2022

Lapid and Biden Move To Undermine Israel

Yom Shishee-Shabbat Friday-Saturday 11-12 SivanĀ 5782 June 10-11 2022   The Joke of the Morning Social media was abuzz yesterday with “news” being disseminated by the Iranians that one of their drone strikes near Idlib had killed a “Mossad commander.” The … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 11 sivan 5782, 1948, benny gantz, biden, birim, capital, coefficient of infection, consulate, de facto, divided, gasoline station, halhul, hardware store, iaea, ieds, iqrit, iranians, Israel, Jerusalem, lapid, liberman, made a fart, molotovs, mossad commander, naftali bennett, natanz, palestine, Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours, pharmacy, real estate office, rental increases, restaurant, right of return, rocks, shabbat shalom, supermarket, surveillance cameras, tel aviv, the daily corona update, the end of israel, the news on the israeli street, US Office of Palestinian Affairs in Jerusalem, yair lapid, zoabi | Comments Off on Lapid and Biden Move To Undermine Israel