Monthly Archives: June 2022

Gideon Sa’ar: Just Another Slimy Politician

Yom Reva’ee Wednesday 9 Sivan 5782 June 8 2022   The News on the Israeli Street Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . . Thank you to Rescue without Borders SSF for the following information: Both the passengers and the … Continue reading

Posted in News | Tagged 13 naval commandos, 9 sivan 5782, army commandos behind enemy lines, closed to women, coefficient of infection, combat, elite units, idf requirements, Israel, judea and samaria, Knesset, minimum height, minimum weight, politician, positive test rate, Rescue Without Borders SSF, return of corona, saar, sayeret matkal, shaldag, shayetet, the IDF commando brigade, the Israel Navy Submarine Unit, the news on the israeli street, women | Comments Off on Gideon Sa’ar: Just Another Slimy Politician