Something Is Horribly Wrong Between The U.S. And Israel

Yom Reva’ee


11 Tevet 5783

January 4 2023


The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria.

Shooting attacks:

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF troops in Kabalan.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF troops in Kalil.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Tubas.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers at the Qalandiya checkpiont in north Jerusalem.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on our soldiers in Kabatia. Two terrorists were wounded.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF troops in Zavabada.

An attempted stabbing attack:

A Palestinian terrorist attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Crusader Checkpoint near the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron.

Molotov, “rock”, and IED attacks:

Palestinian terrorists attacked at the Hosan Bypass between the Al-Khader and Beitar Junctions, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near the Tunnel Checkpoint, at Luban a-Sharqiya, Singil, Al Abud, and at numerous other places in Gush Etzion.

Overnight, IDF, Shin Bet, and other security personnel captured 13 wanted terrorists in Kifel, Herat, Nazlat Issa, and Tulkarm.



Something Is Horribly Wrong Between The U.S. And Israel

There is something horribly wrong with the relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

How is it possible that the Biden Administration had the unmitigated gall yesterday to outrageously condemn the fact that the Israel Minister of National Security unceremoniously walked across the Temple Mount–a place under Israeli sovereignty and the location of the holiest place in Judaism?

How is it possible that the Biden Administration demanded back in July that the Allenby Crossing be open 24 hours a day to facilitate the movement of Palestinians to and from Jordan–and thereby expose Israelis to possible terrorism?

How is it possible that the Biden Administration feels free to intervene in IDF troop movements, demanding that the Israel’s elite Netzah Yehuda Battalion be moved from the forefront of fighting terror in Judea and Samaria to the Golan Heights–again exposing Israelis to more terror?

The reason that all of these actions have been possible is that Israel’s kowtowing to the dictates of Washington has reached monumental proportions.

We can only hope that the fact that Netanyahu did not bend to the demands of Biden concerning Ben Gvir’s visit yesterday signals a new page in U.S.-Israel relations. Maybe, just maybe, we will now see Israel gradually begin to rise from its knees and emerge from the vassal state status created by the former Lapid-Gantz government.

Yes, the United States has traditionally been the best friend of Israel, but no, Israel is not the servant of Washington.

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