May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Yom Shabbat


20 Shvat 5783

February 11 2023


As regular readers of OneIsrael know, we do not publish a blog on Shabbat unless circumstances warrant. Instead we offer some photos for your perusal. However, we would be amiss this morning to not mention the horrific terror attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot last night.

Two Israelis were killed, two more are in critical condition, and two more are in serious condition.

The dead are:

Jacob Yisrael Plai, 6 years old (his brother is one of the critically injured, and his father is one of the seriously injured). Jacob was buried yesterday afternoon before the beginning of Shabbat.

Alter Shlomo Lederman, 20 years old (married six months ago–he was standing at the bus stop with his wife; they were on their way to her parents’ house for Shabbat).

Nine people have been murdered in attacks in Jerusalem in the last two weeks:

May their memories be for a blessing.

May their memories be for a blessing. Bottom right with the beard and black hat is Alter Lederman, the spot with no photo is for Jacob.

Please consider praying for those who are injured.

Shabbat Shalom.


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