Why Isn’t The IDF Talking About The Security Incident In The North?

Yom Reva’ee


22 Adar 5783

March 15 2023


Photos of the Day

“The Day of Good Deeds”

IDF soldiers from the IT and Cyber Defense Division spent “The Day of Good Deeds” yesterday volunteering with special needs children at the Remons, Yepa Nof, Shazar, and Raim Schools in Beersheva:

The soldiers helped out in various activities.

The soldiers helped out in various activities including cooking and preparing lunch (photo here and below: IDF).


And more.

The soldiers also engaged in kinetic math activities with the children .

More Deadly Weather

Israel has been socked with more storms over the last 24 hours–featuring high winds and heavy rain:

This pier at the Rotenburg Power Plant in Ashkelon broke apart. Two people were killed.

This pier at the Rotenburg Power Plant in Ashkelon broke apart. Two people were killed–one of their bodies washed ashore on a beach in Ashdod this morning.

 The Boon To Palestinian “Fishermen” in Gaza

The weather has been a boon to Gaza fisherman who wiped out an entire squadron of giant manta rays off the Gaza coast. The fishermen explained that the mantas are a good source of protein and omega 3.

The weather has been a boon to Gaza fisherman who wiped out an entire squadron of giant manta rays off the Gaza coast. The fishermen explained that the mantas are a good source of protein and omega 3.

3 Interesting Sets of Numbers

1. The end of world Jewry?

The rate of Jewish intermarriage is dramatically accelerating:

63% of all Jews in Russia marry outside of Judaism, along with 55% in Hungary, 45% in the U.S., 30% in Austria, 23% in Canada, 22% in the U.K., 20% in Australia, and 14% in Belgium.

These figures are from the Jewish Policy Research Institute in London and show that intermarriage will sound the virtual death knell of Judaism outside of Israel within two or three generations. 

2. The economic cost of the anti-government protests. 

According to a non-government source yesterday, each protest day costs the Israeli taxpayer 400 million shekels.

3. The ultra-orthodox don’t work?

According to a report by the Innovation Authority yesterday, there has been a 180% increase in the number of ultra-Orthodox women working in high-tech since 2014–a rate 3 times faster than that of any other group of Israeli women.

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria.

IDF, Shin Bet and MGB fighters were on missions in the Palestinian settlements of  Beit Pajar, Romana, Marach Rabach, and Azaria overninght, and in the city of Qalqilia. 7 wanted terrorists were seized. Eight more terrorists were captured in the area of Singil, Hizma and Anta.

At the Adam Junction, our forces spotted and seized a vehicle containing seven rifles and 18 M16 rifle pieces:

The guns seized at the Adam Junction last night.

The guns seized at the Adam Junction last night (photo Rescue Without Borders SSF).

Shooting attacks:

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israelis in a car on Road 35 near Hevron. No Israelis were physically wounded; the terrorists escaped.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at Israelis on Highway 35 near Telam.

IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks:

Palestinian terrorists attacked on the Har Homa Road south of the Mazmoriya Checkpoint, between Ariel and Nopi Nehemiah, at Singil, at the Ma’ale Levona Access Road, near Ofra on Road 60, and at a number of other locations.

Who is provoking whom? . . .

*Anarchists have announced that they will hold pizza parties around hospitals during Passover in protest of the new Chametz Law that allows hospital administrators to prohibit Chametz in hospitals during the holiday.

*At yet another protest in Bnei Brak last night, a protester responded to her flag being taken away by taking off her shirt.

Who is funding the “Quality of Life” organization’s participation in protests against the government? . . .

This list was of the top nine supporters was published yesterday by Eli Tzipori:

Maurice Kahn (one of the founders of the hi-tech company Amdocs): NIS 1,304,300 ($363,000).

An American association named “American Support for Israel”: NIS 739,252 ($205,000).

Shmuel Kabili (entrepreneur in the biomed field): NIS 250,000 ($69,500).

Ronan Shilo (hi-tech entrepreneur): NIS 245,250 ($68,000).

Ilan Shilo (advertising tycoon, through Makan Israel): NIS 200,000 ($55,500).

Yariv Gilat (entrepreneur in the capital market): NIS 180,000 ($50,000).

Natan Hatz (real estate tycoon, through Aloni Hatz): NIS 100,000 ($27,700).

Galileo Fund (hi-tech entrepreneur Avigdor Vilinz): NIS 100,000 ($27,700).

The American Embassy: NIS 48,105 ($13,362).


Why Isn’t The IDF Talking About The Security Incident In The North?

You may recall in yesterday’s blog that we reported on a bomb that was detonated on a road near Megiddo–severely wounding a motorist.

It turns out that this attack was expected.

That is about the only thing that we know because the IDF and security establishing are refusing to give out any details about what is going on except to say that “the two tense days in the north have come to an end.” 

Apparently, the activity in the north involves a burgeoning Hezbollah-Hamas axis of terror, one that is marked by the use of roadside bombs of the type used in Megiddo, and the ones used last month in Jerusalem.

So we can only speculate that perhaps the IDF thought that Hezbollah terrorists had infiltrated northern Israel and/or that Hezbollah was on the verge of a major attack?

Your humble servant has often worried in this blog about the day when Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Iran coordinated their attacks. Maybe that day has arrived. 


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