The Dire Situation Facing Israel

Yom Rishon


18 Nisan 5783

April 9 2023

Breaking News: Three Missiles from Syria were fired at Israel overnight. Two exploded in open spaces in the Golan Heights, the third in Syria. Afterwards, the IAF attacked the rocket launching locations. At the same time, Israeli aircraft staged mock bombing runs over Beirut.

The Gruesome Murder of the Dee Sisters

Maya and Rina Dee, the two sisters who were barbarically murdered in the Jordan Valley.

Rina (16) and Maya (21) Dee, the two sisters who were barbarically murdered in the Jordan Valley.

As we reported yesterday, the sisters’ car was crashed off the road by the terrorist, who then got out of the car walked up to the sisters’ car and riddled it with 22 bullets to make sure they were dead. Their funerals will be today in the cemetery near Kfar Etzion.  Their mother Leah, remains in a life and death situation in Hadassah Hospital.

Rina and Maya Dee: May their memories always be for a blessing. 

This photo collage appeared in the Yedioth Ahronot newspaper this morning:

The unimaginable tragedies in Israel in the last two month: three sets of siblings murdered by Palestinian terrorists.

The unspeakable tragedies in Israel in the last two months; three sets of siblings butchered by Palestinian terrorists: the Yaniv brothers (upper left), the Paley brothers (upper right), and the Dee sisters.

The heartache in Israel over these murders is difficult to imagine.

The Quote of the Day

“The position of the police encouraging the closure of the Temple Mount to Jews has no other description than total surrender to threats and terrorism. A police force that succumbs to threats de facto encourages terrorism. If the commissioner and his officers are not able to fulfill the task, let them be replaced by better ones.”

Tom Nisni of the Temple Mount Association

Nisni’s remarks could not be more accurate. If you can believe this, the Israeli police actually recommended to the government last night that the Temple Mount be closed to Jews until Ramadan ends ten days from now, and that the Birkat HaCohenim which happens today and tomorrow in the Kotel plaza be canceled.

The reason? The Police feel that they cannot ensure the safety of Jews.

Did you get that? The Israel Police cannot ensure the safety of Jews in Israel at the holiest place in Judaism.

Fortunately, this recommendation has thus far been rejected by the government–mainly because of the intervention of Minister of National Security Ben Gvir, but the decision could change at any moment.

Here is a screen shot taken from live video of Birkat HaCohehim prayers at the Kotel at this moment:

The priestly prayers have begun.

The priestly prayers have begun. Notice all the men in “white” on the men’s side.

Talk About Impotence on the Temple Mount

Last night, after the Israel Police refused to do so, Israel actually demanded that Jordan order its Islamic Wakf policemen on the Temple Mount to “immediately evacuate the extremists who are entrenched in Al-Aqsa Mosque and plan to riot tomorrow during the Muslim prayers on the Temple Mount and the blessing of the priests at the Western Wall.”

Israel demanded that Jordan?

Talk about impotence and an utter abnegation of sovereignty. 

The laughter in Amman must have been deafening. The Jordanians sent word this morning that they have refused the “request” because the responsibility is not theirs.

Again, just think about the absurdity. We now have the Jordanians telling us to uphold our own sovereignty.

Absurdity On Top Of Absurdity On Top Of Absurdity

The government is desperately lurching out in every direction to “calm” the region. It has asked an Egyptian delegation to go to Gaza today to try to restrain Hamas while at the same time holding intensive talks to do the same in Turkey and Qatar (they both are home to branches of Hamas headquarters).

At the same time, government security officials continue to ludicrously insist that Hezbollah had nothing to do with the missile attack from Lebanon two days ago. This assessment flies in the face of every other piece of intel from other sources that Hezbollah and Iran obviously knew in advance about the missile launches.   

The War in Judea and Samaria

Shooting attacks:

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at Kibbutz Ma’ale Gilboa hitting several homes but fortunately wounding none.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at a farm in Asa’el.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israeli civilians near Yatma.

Molotov, IED, and “rock” attacks:

Palestinian terrorists attacked on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road between the Al Khader Junction and the North Efrat Junction, in Huwara, on Mt. Hevron, on Road 55 in the Nabi Elias Bypass, Azzun, between Gush Etzion and Hevron, at the Post Office Junction, on Road 60 near Turmus’aya, and at dozens of other locations.


The Dire Situation Facing Israel

In the last 72 hours alone:

*southern Israel has been bombarded with missiles from Gaza

*northern Israel has been bombarded with missiles from Lebanon

*eastern Israel has been hit by missiles from Syria

*terrorists have carried out gruesome, murderous attacks in the Jordan Valley and Tel Aviv

*the situation on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has deteriorated in the extreme because of the massive influx of Muslims to the Mount–which was encouraged and facilitated by Israel

*there are reports this morning that Iran will begin using drones to attack Israeli shipping in the Arabian Sea

*there are reports from U.S. intelligence that Hezbollah is planning “a broad attack” against Israel

To say the situation is approaching “dire”, is an understatement with attacks from all sides. Everyone in the area senses Israeli weakness so no one is afraid to attack. 

At some point, this government must put its foot down and use overwhelming force to take out our enemies. It is pointless to have the most powerful army in the Middle East and be afraid to use it.

One final thought: while all of the above was going on, another 150,000 clueless leftists demonstrated against the government in Tel Aviv last night. They have no idea who their enemies really are.

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