“Absolute Madness: Orphans, Widows, and Unknown Heroes”

Yom Reva’ee


2 Tammuz 5783

June 21 2023

May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

From left to right

From left to right Nachman Mordoff (17), Elisha Antman (18), Harel Masoud (21), Ofer Fairman (63).

The war in Judea and Samaria never stops.

The above four Israelis were gunned down at a service station in northern Samaria near the Ali community yesterday afternoon. Two terrorists arrived at the station, entered the restaurant where three of them were eating, and opened fire. They then walked outside and killed one more, before an armed civilian (see below) shot one of the terrorists dead.

The other terrorist fled, commandeering a car and driving off. He was spotted about an hour later and was shot and killed.

It turns out that both terrorists had been in the Hamas wing of a Israeli prison several years ago after being convicted on charges of attacking IDF soldiers and planting IED explosives. Inexplicably, one terrorist only served 2 months and the other 4.

The Quote of the Day

(from the brother of the civilian who killed one of the terrorists)

“I refused to talk to Channel 13 because it is very difficult to me to be interviewed by the channels that I think harm the state of Israel and the IDF . . .

My hero brother. He stopped at the gas station to inflate his tires. The children in the car. Suddenly a car with Arabs 15 meters from them. A suspicious look. His son wanted to inflate the tires with him. My brother was suspicious. Told him to get back in the car. Suddenly the car doors open. They get out with M16s and start shooting. To kill Jews. The children laid down on the floor of the car.

My brother flanks one terrorist and shoots 10 bullets until he falls.

Now he and the children are recovering. We and our children are left to an enemy armed with IDF weapons. An ocean of terror. There is no Minister of Defense, there is no General Command. It’s just you or the enemy. In a split second. Absolute madness: orphans, widows, and unknown heroes.”

Aviad Gadot

There’s nothing left to say.



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