Yom Shnee
14 Tammuz 5783
July 3 2023
Breaking News: 8:00 pm Israel time
At the moment, the fight centers on the mosque at the center of Jenin where terrorists remain holed up. Details remain scant; however the Palestinians report that 10 terrorists have died, and dozens more wounded.
It turns out that the entire center of Jenin is honeycombed with tunnels–and most of the terrorists are remaining hidden underground. It is estimated that our forces will remain in place for the next 24 hours.
At the same time, the highest alert for missile fire has been issued for the communities along the Gaza border.
Correction: we reported earlier today that an Israeli policeman had been killed in Jenin. In the absence of any other corroborating reportage, the earlier report may have been (hopefully) erroneous.
Breaking News: 1:00 pm Israel time
As our soldiers near the center of Jenin, the fighting has become more difficult. IDF engineers are punching holes in buildings for our snipers to use–and in the last hour one of our snipers killed 3 terrorists. IDF bulldozers are clearing mines from the streets.
Another terrorist killed was so-called “Jenin Al-Kassam” who had a Telegram channel with 332,000 followers.
Breaking News: 11:00 am Israel time
The battle inside Jenin has intensified. 5 terrorists have been killed and numerous more have been wounded. The Palestinian Red Crescent is demanding the IDF provide a safe corridor to evacuate the wounded.
One Israeli policeman has been killed, and one soldier wounded. There are Palestinian snipers reportedly on top of and inside almost every building.
Breaking News . . . 10:00 am Israel time
An extensive military operation nicknamed “Home and Garden” is currently taking place in Jenin.
It involves thousands of soldiers, undercover personnel, special forces, commando brigades, engineering forces, Yalam fighters, and Shin Bet personnel.
The IAF is also involved:

Smoke rising from the site of a bomb dropped on a terrorist hideout in Jenin in the early morning hours (photo source on photograph).
According to the IDF, the purpose is to eliminate the terror threat emanating from Jenin. A spokesman this morning said:
“We are not in a hurry to go anywhere. Most of the terrorists are hiding in the central part of the city, The IDF is approaching there in measured steps–and they are not rushing anywhere”.
This is breaking news and will be updated throughout the day.
In other news:
The war in Judea and Samaria.
Stabbing attack.
A Palestinian terrorist from Ramallah was shot dead at the Beit El Checkpoint after attempting to stab IDF soldiers.
Shooting attacks.
Palestinian terrorists are engaging our forces in intense firefights throughout Jenin. At the moment, there is no report on casualties.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire at homes in Avni Hefetz in Samaria. Houses were hit; no Israelis were wounded; the terrorists escaped.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers at Aqbat Jericho. No soldiers were wounded.
IED, Molotov, “rock” attacks:
Palestinian terroristsĀ tried to murder Israelis at Hawara, Shechem, Road 55 near Azzun (massive attack, Israelis wounded), Luban al Sharqiya, Al Aruv, near Tekoa, and at more than two dozen other locations.
A follow-up to the Hezbollah situation . . .
Overnight, Hezbollah moved one of its two outposts from Israeli territory on Mt. Dov out of Israel and back to Lebanon.
However, the other manned outpost remains in Israel, and once again Israel is threatening to blow it up–as we should have done to start with.
The anarchy of the village idiots continues . . .
Numerous small anti-government “demonstrations” continue taking place in Israel today. The most egregious are in and around Ben Gurion Airport.
Whether the police will allow them to shut down the airport remains to be seen.