Yom Shleeshee
22 Tammuz 5783
July 11 2023
The Photo Of the Day

Idiots idiots everywhere and how their brains did shrink . . . Do these Israelis in an airport in the U.S. this morning have any idea what they are doing? Of course not. Utterly brainless, they are smiling sheeple–blindly following the anarchist, anti-democracy, anti-government narrative.
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea and Samaria.
Security forces captured 9 terrorists overnight in Jilazon, Beit Omer, and Beit Sira.
Rocket attack:
Palestinian terrorists in Jenin fired two makeshift rockets at the community of Shaked in northern Samaria. The IDF continues to insist that these rockets pose no threat because they are not carrying explosives, but a person could easily be killed by getting hit by a rocket or shrapnel from one.
How long will it be until these rockets are carrying explosives?
Shooting attack:
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on an IDF outpost on Mt. Gerizim in the north. No Israelis were wounded; the terrorists escaped.
Stabbing attack:
A Palestinian terrorist stabbed an Israeli in Deir Kadis beside Modi’in Illit. The Israeli was taken to a hospital; the terrorist escaped.
IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks:
Palestinian terrorists assaulted Israelis in the Hosan Bypass between Al Khader and Beitar, on Road 5 at the Azvia Bridge near the Peduel Junction, between Marda and Ariel, between Gilad Farm and Yitzhar, at Luban Al-Sharqiya, Azzun, and in the vicinity of Hawara among some 30 locations.
The reasonableness clause . . .
The law passed its first reading late last night in the Knesset by a vote of 64-56. Apparently the Coalition wants to have it pass its second and third readings by the end of the Knesset session at the end of July.
Your humble servant wonders what in the world the government is waiting for? Why not just pass the law tonight and finish with it? Dragging it out for three more weeks accomplishes nothing.
Blockages everywhere . . .
Small groups of anarchists have been busy blocking roads in central and northern Israel today, but police have generally been more proactive in clearing the roads.

A small group of anarchists blocked Highway 1 near the Hemed interchange for about an hour this morning until a police water cannon dispersed them.

Another small group of anarchists blocking the Ayalon Freeway in Tel Aviv this morning until being dispersed by police.
Some of the roads affected have been Highway 1 from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, Road 4 in the vicinity of Haifa, and Road 443 near Modi’in.
Anarchists also attempted again to shut down Ben Gurion Airport, but thus far have been unsuccessful.
The strategy of the anti-government anarchists today seems to be to send small groups to various places to cause mayhem in advance of the larger events tonight.
Disingenuous, Insulting, Correct: Three Quotes That Say It All
The Hilariously Disingenuous Quote of the Day
“We don’t want all the highways to be blocked. We don’t want the Ben Gurion International Airport to be blocked. We want people to continue to working. However, when the government is pushing forward judicial for a second time, we have no choice, but civil disobedience.”
Josh Drill, paid spokesman for the anarchist, anti-government movement.
Could anything possibly be more hilarious?
Of course the anarchists want the highways to be blocked. Of course they want to block Ben Gurion Airport. Of course they want to block people from getting to work.
And of course the anarchists have been carrying out these actions for months. There is no connection whatsoever between the passage of the first reading of the “reasonableness clause” in the Knesset yesterday and the anarchy they create today.
The Utterly Insulting Quote of the Day
“Israelis want the United States to be in their business. With that sometimes comes a modicum of a price, which is articulating when we think things are going off the rails.”
Tom Nides, Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Israel
Nides never fails to insult we Israelis with his colonialist vassalistic attitude. It is easy to imagine Nides parading around “the Holy Land” in a pith helmet with European monarchs in the early 1900s dictating to Jews in the country what they could and could not do.
Most Israelis most certainly do not want the United States in their business. And we most certainly do not need U.S. advice about our internal domestic politics.
The Unfortunately Correct Quote of the Day
“The Zionist regime is now in a situation where it does not have the courage to dismantle Hezbollah’s tents at the border point of Lebanon and occupied Palestine, and has appealed to the United Nations because of the fear of Hezbollah.”
From an editorial in the Tasnim News, the media of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
Well, hopefully we are a Zionist country–and ignoring the “occupied Palestine” comment, the whole anti-Israel world has been watching as Israel has timidly dealt with the two Hezbollah outposts in Israel.
What’s more, it was revealed two days ago that an entire contingent of fully armed Lebanese soldiers and Hezbollah terrorists waltzed into Israel and stayed for nearly half a day before turning around at IDF “urging.”
As we have written many times, Israel no longer has any deterrence.