Yom Revaee
23 Tammuz 5783
July 12 2023
The Quote of the Day
‘They are not protesting the bill, they are protesting democracy.”
Simcha Rothman, Chairman of the Knesset Constitution and Law Committee, referring to yesterdays “protesters.”
Of course he is right. The anarchists could care less about judicial reform; their goal is to overthrow the democratically elected government.
Today, Rothman’s committee is preparing the “Reasonableness” Clause for its second and third reading in the Knesset. As previously described here at OneIsrael, the goal is to have the law approved by the end of July.
The Photos of the Day

An encounter between an anarchist (in the cap) and a policeman yesterday. She was screaming at him and cursing him. But that wasn’t enough for her (the white caption reads: Israel news on Telegram).
And was handcuffed and arrested.
Elsewhere, anarchists blocked school buses carrying elementary children to school, and ambulances trying to reach people who had had heart attacks, and still more ambulances trying to reach hospitals.
There is no boundary the anarchists will not cross:
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea and Samaria.
Shooting attacks:
Palestinian terrorists fired on IDF soldiers in Aqbat Jaber beside Jericho early this morning.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israeli security forces in the Daheisha settlement near Bethlehem.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on Israelis in Al-Bira.
The Egregious Discrimination
Of Attorney General Gali Baharev-Miara
Try to wrap your mind around this, dear readers.
Attorney General Gali Baharev-Miara has ruled endlessly over the past few months on the subject of where “leftist protesters” have the right to “demonstrate.”
Yesterday, she issued an opinion that even Ben Gurion Airport was a “space” that protesters could go and disrupt travelers. This follows her “opinions” that protests can take outside of people’s homes and even inside restaurants where government officials are eating.
You may remember that Justice Minister Levin’s shiva for his father was disrupted for seven days by screaming protesters outside of his house, and more recently Levin and his wife were verbally assaulted in a restaurant by a man with a bullhorn screaming “Shame” beside their table.
In short, the leftists can scream and yell virtually everywhere.
But not protesters on the other side.
And especially not at Baharev-Miara’s house.
At Baharev-Miara’s direction, Israel Police set up a 300 meter buffer around her house yesterday to keep protesters on the “right” away.
Yes, you read that correctly.
300 meters.
It was just another example of the outrageous and egregious discrimination against anyone supporting the government and opposing leftist officials.
And yet another example of why Beharev-Miara should be fired immediately.