Yom Shabbat
26 Tammuz 5783
July 15 2023
Regular readers of OneIsrael know that we do not publish a blog on Shabbat unless circumstances warrant. Instead we offer a few photos for you consideration.
Photo 1.

Two Hezbollah terrorists climbed the security fence in Israeli territory on the Lebanese border yesterday and tore down the security camera that was there. The IDF unbelievably stood idly by and watched. Read yesterday’s blog to find out how badly our deterrence has collapsed on the Lebanese border.
Photo 2.

Israel’s first onshore wave energy power station (trial version) has gone into operation built by the Israeli company Eco Wave Power Global. According to NoCamels: “The EWP-EDF One power station has a capacity of 100 KW and is composed of 10 floaters at the Port of Jaffa’s breakwater. Each floater connects to an energy conversion unit located on land.” The power produced will go into the national grid.
Photo(s) 3.

A woman jogging at Kibbutz Gaaton yesterday heard loud agonized screeching–and then discovered this owl hung up in barbed wire.
She then called the Israel Parks Authority who sent a worker out to disentangle the owl:
Photo 4.

Israel’s Electreon Company has just won a bid to create a 2 km stretch of freeway in France. Electric cars (fitted with receptors) can recharge by driving over the road which has copper coils embedded in it. No more plug ins?
Photo 5.

A lioness and lion trying to beat the scorching heat at Ramat Gan’s Animal Safari yesterday by eating frozen “popsicles” made from meat and eggs.
On that note, we wish you: