Yom Shnee
28 Tammuz 5783
July 17 2023
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea and Samaria.

The Kapah family: husband and father Elroi was shot in the stomach yesterday in Gush Etzion near Tekoa. Also the two oldest girls were wounded.
The parents of Elroi’s wife Tamar (far left in photo above) were both murdered in a shooting attack almost two decades ago in Kissufim. El Roi is now listed in “very serious” condition following emergency surgery yesterday. He needs your prayers.
Other shooting attacks:
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF forces in Aqbat Jericho.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF forces at Beitin.
IED, “rock”, Molotov attacks:
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near Al Aruv, in the area of the Beitar Checkpoint (woman wounded), between Ariel and Tapuach, Hizma, Hawara, Singil, and northeast of Ramallah among other places.
Legislation on the reasonableness law (aka “clause”) continues . . .
The Knesset Constitution and Law Committee headed by Simcha Rothman has nearly finished preparing the law for its second and third readings in the Knesset.
The schedule now calls for the Law to be considered and voted on in the Knesset on Sunday at 10 am.
Of course, the Opposition is doing everything it can to stall the vote.
The Herzog scam . . .
So now we are about to have the triumphant images of leftist Israeli President Bougie Herzog being red-carpeted into the White House to meet with a decrepit President Biden followed by Herzog making an address to the U.S. Congress.
In years past, it was PM Netanyahu who made numerous trips to the White House and thunderous addresses to U.S. legistators.
But not this time.
Why? Joe Biden and his pitiful minions would have you believe that it is because of the “extremist” government that Netanyahu has formed–an extremist government so called because it seeks to create new and larger Jewish communities in Israel’s ancestral homeland of Judea and Samaria and because it wants to reform a badly out of joint judicial system.
But there is another reason that Bougie not Bibi is on his way to Washington, and that reason is Bougie’s brother Michael Herzog who happens to be Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, having been appointed by leftist former PM Naftali Bennett back in 2021.
It is Michael Herzog who pushed the idea of his brother’s visit, and Michael Herzog to has labored to strengthen the bond between his leftist brother and the leftist Biden.
By the way, it was announced that a pro-Herzog, anti-Israeli government demonstration will take place on Wednesday in Washington during Herzog’s address to the Congress. What part Michael Herzog or Bougie Herzog played in the plans for this “demonstration” is unknown.
The organizers disingenuously had this to say yesterday: “We will welcome President Herzog on his historic visit to Congress. We will demonstrate outside for Israeli democracy to remind everyone that Jewish and democratic Israel is important to him, that the time to be a true friend of Israel is now, when it is being hijacked from within.”
Once again, this demonstration will have nothing to do with Israeli democracy and everything to do with trying to get rid of PM Netanyahu.
The Netanyahu government is not trying to hijack Israeli democracy from within, instead a whole host of anarchists (see Today’s Blog below) is trying to hijack Israeli democracy by overthrowing the democratically elected government of Israel.
The Concerted Effort To Destroy The State of Israel From Within
“I call on the U.S. to reevaluate relations with Israel for that implies. Whoever loves the state of Israel must be against the Israeli government.”
Former PM and convicted felon Ehud Olmert speaking last night on the internet channel “Democrat TV”.
It is one thing to be against a government and democratically try to vote it out of office. It is altogether a different thing to try to topple a government by undermining the foundations of the country.
In making his call, Olmert joins a long list of disgraced former Israeli politicians and military leaders who are doing everything they can to bring down the government by urging active soldiers and especially reservists to not serve:
Former PM Ehud Barak–who ordered Israel’s unilateral, middle-of-the-night, tail between the legs withdrawal from Lebanon–and then spent years cavorting with pedophile Jeffery Epstein.
Former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz–whose disastrous strategy in the 2006 war with Hezbollah only served to strengthen the terror group.
Former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon–whose disastrous performance along with that of then-IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz in the 2014 war with Palestinians in Gaza disqualified him forever in the Israeli mind from ever becoming a political leader.
Just this morning, doctors in the IDF Reserve joined Reserve pilots, General Staff reserve officers, and reservists in elite units in refusing to serve if any part of the judicial reform passes.
For the first time, IDF Chief of Staff Halevi warned today that the refusals “have the possibility of harming the operational capacity of the IDF.” His warning coming after months of silence on the subject is a day late and a dollar short.
You may be unaware of the numbers, but the Israeli Army consists of 169,500 active duty personnel, and 465,000 reserve personnel.
To put it a different way, the reservists are in many ways the backbone of the IDF and have always been. In every war since the War of Independence, reservists have played a major role in defending the state of Israel.
Urging the reservists to abandon their service is part of the left’s concerted effort to destroy the state of Israel from within.