Yom Shabbat
4 Av 5783
July 22 2023
OneIsrael does not publish a blog on Shabbat unless circumstances warrant. Instead we offer a few photos for your perusal:
Photo 1.

3 more new stealth F35s arrived at an AFB in southern Israel two nights ago. This brings to 39 the number of F35s in the IAF. Note that the plane above does not yet have Israeli markings.
Photo 2.

There are 2 outdoor activities that Israelis do to beat the searing heat currently sweeping the country. One is wading through creeks and streams in northern Israel such as this one where a wader was wading yesterday: Ein Nutra on the western slopes of the Golan Heights.
Photo 3.
Photo 4.
Photo 5.

In the midst of all the reservists threatening not to serve if the “Reasonableness Amendment” passes, came this refreshing letter (with apologies for the blurriness) from hundreds of reservists in all branches of IDF service yesterday declaring that they will always be ready to serve.
On this happy note, we wish you a Shabbat Shalom!