Yom Rishon
5 Av 5783
July 23 2023
The Photo of the Morning

Dr. Roi Binert, Director of the Arrhythmia Institute at Sheba Hospital, and Dr. Eyal Nof, Director of the Invasive Electrophysiology Service at Sheba discussing the procedure performed on PM Netanyahu last night.
As you recall, PM Netanyahu had a heart monitoring device implanted in his chest last week to detect heart arrhythmias following a fainting episode. Last night the device alerted that another arrhythmia was taking place so Netanyahu was taken to Sheba Hospital where he received a pacemaker. His condition is listed as good today, and he is expected to leave the hospital this afternoon.
The Quote of the Day
“The “Leftists” have lost their minds. If they don’t get what they want, they burn the country. We did not expect that they would encourage soldiers not to serve, that they would destroy the army. They have no boundaries.”
Aryeh Deri of Shas
What Deri and others still do not realize is that the point of the demonstrations was always to overthrow the government–and if they destroy the country along with it, then all the better.
Ehud Barak, the former PM and pal of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, said exactly this three years ago when he discussed in a radio interview how he would return to power. It is Barak who organized what we see happening now.
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem.
Stabbing attacks:
The 3 Palestinian terrorists who carried out the stabbing attack in the Gilo neighborhood in Jerusalem on Thursday were captured in Bethlehem yesterday. The 26-year-old victim of that attack, Or Seir Weiner was stabbed more than 20 times, but has miraculously improved–with his condition now listed as “critical but stable”. You should continue to pray for him.
There was an attempted stabbing attack at the Gilboa Crossing near Jenin. A Palestinian terrorist ran toward security guards with a knife in his hand, and was neutralized.
Attempted run-over attack:
A Palestinian terrorist attempted to run over IDF soldiers near Shechem. He was shot and killed.
Shooting attacks:
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Umm Safa.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers in Beit Omer.
IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks:
An IDF soldier was wounded in Beit Omer by shrapnel from an IED.
Other Palestinian terror attacks occurred at the Husan Bypass near the Al Khader Junction, Hawara, in the vicinity of Ramallah (terrorist killed), near Peduel, Tekoa, and at another two dozen locations.
Where Do We Stand On The “Reasonableness Amendment”?
We finally seem to be coming to a climax in the Reasonableness saga.
*The vote in the Knesset is now supposed to take place tomorrow though there is much talk of postponing the vote.
*More “refuseniks” are threatening to stop their IDF reserve service if the Amendment passes. Another group of pilots did so yesterday. It should be understood that the reserve pilots who are threatening to stop volunteering are, for the most part, aged 55-65.
*Huge demonstrations will be taking place tonight.
The anti-government “protesters” will focus their efforts in front of the Knesset. Already this morning, marchers to Jerusalem have blocked Highway 1 leading from Tel Aviv to the capital.
The pro-government supporters will be rallying in Tel Aviv on Kaplan Street (your humble servant will be there).
*A number of leaders of the Coalition are pushing to soften the amendment’s wording. Defense Minister Galant even proclaimed this morning that if it is not delayed and softened, he will not vote for it (it is way past time to replace Galant).
It is a real question whether the Coalition can hang together for the Amendment vote.