Yom Shnee
6 Av 5783
July 24 2023
The Unbelievable Quote of the Day
“I have a friend who is a historian and who once told me: ‘Ehud, they will call on you [to lead] when dead bodies float in the Yarkon River’ but I wish to emphasize that the bodies will not be those of workers who infiltrated from the ‘territories’ nor those of Israeli Arabs, the bodies that float will be those of Jews killed by Jews.’ . . . [if] someone has to make hard decisions…then objectively I am more suited than anyone else…in the country to take the driver’s seat.”
PM Ehud Barak, the delusional former prime minister and pal of pedophile Jeffery Epstein, speaking in a radio interview 3 years ago.
This is the man who envisioned, created, and organized the current anarchist anti-government demonstrations.
This is the man who lives in a delusional fantasy world full of dead Jews floating i the Yarkon River after having been killed by other Jews.
It is sickly bizarre.
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea and Samaria.
Shooting attacks:
Palestinian terrorists in Tulkarm opened fire on our forces. 4 terrorists were shot. 7 more terrorists were wounded when they exploded an IED in an attempt to stop an IDF D9 bulldozer.
Palestinian terrorists in Shechem are currently firing on our forces operating there. An unknown number of terrorists have been wounded.
Palestinian terrorists fired on IDF soldiers in Aqbat Jabar near Jericho.
IED, “rock”, Molotov attacks:
More than 2 dozen attacks were reported by residents of Judea and Samaria in such locations as Hawara and Gush Etzion.
Sanity in Tel Aviv, Anarchy in Jerusalem
Did you expect anything else?
On a fateful day on which the Knesset is supposed to vote on the second and third readings of the “Reasonableness Amendment” to the Basic Laws, thousands of anarchists are futilely doing everything they can to stop the vote.
First of all they tried to block legislators from leaving their homes this morning:

Anarchists on the ground in front of Nir Barkat’s home this morning chained together with pipes. The same scene occurred at numerous other homes of legislators.
Failing that, they have been carrying out a similar strategy blocking roads to the Knesset:
In and around the Knesset, the police have been using all sorts of means such as water cannons, smoke grenades, and “horses”, to clear the roads.
And the anarchists’ actions are supposed to be “democracy” in action?
What a joke. What they are trying to do is to thwart a democratic vote in the Knesset.
A vote your humble servant and his wife were supporting in Tel Aviv last night at a massive pro-reform, pro-government rally.
Here are a few photos:
Signs of support for Levin, Rothman, Netanyahu, and others:
A particularly enthusiastic flag waver:
The exuberance of the crowd was breathtaking. Singing, dancing, chanting: there was no end to the joy being expressed.
Not surprisingly, the mainline Israeli media buried reports of this rally last night. For example, the Jerusalem Post included a small article about it on the second page, emphasizing anything negative its reporters could find. But the truth is that the positive energy flowing from those at the rally was amazing.
So now, we are down to the final hours. Will Netanyahu cave-in to the avalanche of those trying to “soften” or “pause” the legislation?
Let’s hope and pray that he does not.