Yom Chamishee
9 Av 5783
July 27 2023
The Photos of the Day
Some of them spent all night at the entrance ramp waiting for it to open this morning. Unfortunately, by edict of the Islamic Wakf with the collusion of the Israel Police, Jews can only go to the Mount between 7 am and 11:30 am, and then again from 1:30 pm to 2:30.

The first Jews on the Mount this morning were Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir and his son.
So Much For The Threats
Of course we all heard repeatedly over the last six months that passage of the judicial reform or any part of it would cause the sky to fall. No one would volunteer for the police or army anymore and the economy would collapse.
The police reported this morning that the total number of volunteers who have stopped working because of the legislation is 44 out of 24,000—less than 0.2%.
On the economic front, the Israeli stock market rose dramatically yesterday with all indices up by more than 4%. The bond market is strong, and a number of businesses announced they are coming to Israel.
Too Many Sheeple
“We are now announcing that the struggle is moving from containment to the attack phase against the dictatorship…. Along with the continuation of the protests every night, we are required these days to intensify the struggle, to use tools that have not been used to date, and in resistance actions reserved for an illegitimate government . . .whether on the economic level or in the disruption of public order . . .”
As your humble servant was reading this announcement this morning, it once again struck me how the anarchist leadership has masterfully used vocabulary to further their scheme of government takeover.
I particularly focused on words and phrases like “struggle“, “dictatorship“, “tools“, “resistance actions“and “disruption of public order“–all of which are fraudulently used.
The deliberate misuse of language was a favorite subject of George Orwell in his masterful essay “Politics and the English Language” and in his best known work, 1984. In both, Orwell demonstrates how politicians can use language “to deceive and manipulate people.” The end result are “sheeple”, people who lack the capacity of critical thought, follow whatever their leaders say, and “mindlessly accept all propaganda as reality.”
In this Orwellian context, let’s take a look at what words the anarchist, anti-government Opposition leaders are using here in Israel:
1. “democracy”
The anarchists claim they are fighting for democracy. In fact, they are trying to overthrow a democratically elected government.
2. “coup d’etat”
The anarchists claim that the Coalition government has carried out a coup d’etat by trying to reduce the power of the Israeli judiciary. In fact, they are the ones attempting to carry out a coup d’etat by overthrowing the government.
3. “dictatorship”
The anarchists claim (as you see in today’s announcement) that the government is a dictatorship. In fact, the government was created through a vibrantly democratic election.
4. “struggle”
The anarchists would like for their followers to believe that they are part of a grass-roots “struggle” similar to the “civil rights struggle” and others. In fact, the “struggle” is a highly organized and largely foreign funded government takeover attempt; there is nothing grass-roots about it.
5. “tools”, “resistance actions”
The anarchists threaten today that they are going to now use more “tools” and “resistance actions”. What they are really saying is that they are going to engage in intensified anarchy and chaos.
6. “disruption of public order”
The anarchists use this phrase to disguise closing down businesses, keeping people from their jobs, and shutting down the airport and highways.
We could go on here, but you get the idea. The next time you read or listen to a speech by any of the anti-government organizers or Opposition leaders such as Lapid, Gantz, Liberman, or Michaeli, count the number of times that you hear the above phrases.
Many years ago when I was teaching incoming students at the University of California, I had them read an essay which quoted an old Oxford don who remarked that the only purpose of an Oxford education was to produce citizens who could tell when someone was talking “rot”–in other words to produce citizens who can think critically.
Unfortunately, that aspect of education seems to have been lost on a considerable number of Israelis these days. There are too many sheeple walking around.