The Only Thing They Have To Lose Are Their Lives

Yom Reva’ee


15 Av 5783

August 2 2023

The Photo of the Day

Israel's newest submarine.

Israel’s newest submarine nicknamed “Achi” Dragon. It will be the 6th submarine in the Israeli fleet. The photo above is at the Thyssenkrupp shipyards in Germany. The submarine was headed out today for its first sea trial.

The News on the Israeli Street

The war in Judea and Samaria.

Stabbing attack:

A Palestinian terrorist attempted to stab an IDF officer and female soldier at the Ashtamo Junction. The Israelis were not wounded; the terrorist was shot and killed by the soldier.

Shooting attacks:

Update from the terror attack at Maale Adumim yesterday: the most critically wounded man underwent extensive surgery last night and is now listed in “stable condition” while being anesthetized on a ventilator. All of the other gunshot victims have been upgraded to “serious” condition. The terrorist had a work permit for Israel–and worked at the local high school.

Palestinian terrorists are currently engaged in a firefight with IDF troops in Jenin.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on IDF soldiers at the Ofer Checkpoint.

Palestinian terrorists battled with IDF forces in Shechem.

IED, Molotov, and “rock” attacks:

Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis between Emanuel and Yakir HaKatana, between Shema and Ashtamo, on Road 55 in the Nabi Elias Bypass (Israeli wounded), near the archaeological site on the Gush Etzion-Hevron road, at Al Aruv, in Jericho, Aqat Jaber, and at a myriad of other places.

Good news in the neighborhood . . .

PLO terrorists fought with “Islamist” terrorists in Ein Al-Halwa settlement in Lebanon.

11 terrorists were killed (some PLO, some Islamists).

This is an ideal situation for Israel–much better for them to kill themselves instead of trying to kill us.


The Only Thing They Have To Lose Are Their Lives

Masked terrorists (Hamas or Islamic Jihad) handing out sweets in Tulkarm yesterday to celebrate the attack in Maale Adumim.

Masked terrorists (Hamas or Islamic Jihad) handing out sweets in Tulkarm yesterday to celebrate the attack in Maale Adumim.

The above scene is reenacted every time a Palestinian terrorist murders or tries to murder Israelis.

Perhaps, it is worthwhile to remember the motivation behind the endless terrorism here. What do the terrorists receive?

1. Of course we all know that a male terrorist who is killed will get 72 virgins when he reaches the Muslim pearly gates. It’s not exactly clear what a female terrorist gets–though one can suppose it is not 72 male virgins.

2. The terrorist’s family will receive a lifetime monthly monetary stipend from the PLO. How much a person and his family receive depends on: (a) did the terrorist reside in Israel or in Areas A, B, or C? Those who reside in Israel receive more; (b) was the terrorist successful and to what degree? Those who succeed in murdering Israelis get more money as do those who kill more than 1 Israeli. For example, the family of the terrorist at Maale Adumim yesterday will not receive the maximum payout because no Israelis died.

3.  The terrorist instantly becomes a “hero”/”heroine” or if he or she is killed while doing the terrorism a “martyr.” Speeches will be given in his or her honor. Buildings, streets, schools, summer camps, etc. will be named for the terrorist. Newborn babies will be named for him or her.

4. The fame of the terrorist will extend to his family. His or her mother/father (and wife and children if they have them) will be widely acclaimed and awarded medals. They will become regulars on all sorts of television shows. They will even receive travel stipends to travel to other Arab and European countries to extol the virtues of their dead son or daughter.

5. The terrorism imbues the community with a sense of pride and accomplishment–as exemplified by the handing out of sweets. Nothing is more greatly valued in Palestinian culture than death.

We could go on and on, but you get the message dear reader. There is endless motivation for Palestinian terrorists to murder Israelis. The only thing that they have to lose are their lives.

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