Yom Reva’ee
27 Elul 5783
September 13 2023
The Weather Photos of the Morning

The first large rain storm of the season hit Israel late last night and early this morning bringing downed trees and flooded streams. The above photo is on Rabbi Kook Street in Bnei Brak.
The Appalling Photo of the Night

The message “Don’t Believe Crime Minister Netanyahu” projected onto the side of the United Nations building yesterday in advance of PM Netanyahu’s upcoming visit.
It remains unclear who projected the message and whether the U.N. was aware of it or not. But the hatred for PM Netanyahu knows no bounds. Just two days ago, an Opposition member expressed the desire that he hoped that the new year would find Netanyahu and his wife Sara in a cemetery.
All this vile animus for a leader who has not been convicted of anything.
All he did was win an election and form a government that the leftists despise.
The News on the Israeli Street
The war in Judea and Samaria.
Shooting attack:
Palestinian terrorists wounded 2 Israelis in Hawara. The terrorists escaped.
IED, Molotov, “rock” attacks:
Palestinian terrorists tried to kill Israelis on Road 55 between Nebi Elias and Azzun, on the access road between Bona and Singil, on Road 55 near the Nebi Elias Bypass, Gilkamos, Kabatia, Qalqilya, Bethlehem, and at numerous other locations.
Has the Netanyahu government gone mad? . . .
Yesterday we reported that the government has agreed to the transfer of America weapons, ammunition, and military vehicles to the PLO.
The weapons will arrive in Ramallah via the Allenby Crossing from Jordan. We learned today that the “weapons” include 1,500 assault rifles (laser-guided M-16s and Kalashnikovs).
How many Israelis will be murdered by these weapons?
On top of this comes the utterly unbelievable news this morning that in addition to the above materiel, Israel has also agreed that the Biden Administration can supply the PLO with “advanced spy equipment” and that U.S. cyber experts can train the PLO in how to use the equipment.
The government of this country really has gone totally insane.
Speaking of the Biden Administration . . .
It came to light yesterday that former PM Naftali Bennett and former Defense Minister Benny Gantz have recently held secret meetings in the White House with members of the Biden Administration.
Ostensibly, these meetings were to discuss normalization with Saudi Arabia, but the subject of overthrowing the Netanyahu government must have also come up.
These White House meetings with members of the Opposition here come even as Biden still refuses to set a date for PM Netanyahu to come to Washington.
“We already know what we want to do.”
Israel Supreme Court Justice Uzi Fogelman interrupting a speaker at the hearing about the “Reasonableness Amendment” in the Court yesterday.
You may remember that your humble servant included this sentence in yesterday’s blog:
“It is projected that the decision of the Court (which may have already been written) may not be handed down until November or December.”
So now we have it.
There is no “may have already been written”. There is only “has already been written.”
Fogelman’s arrogant admission only underscores how corrupt the Israeli judiciary has become. In numerous cases in the last month, judges at all levels indicated that they had already made their decisions before the case was tried and evidence was heard.
The Supreme Court Justices obviously conceive of themselves as godlike creatures who can haughtily ride roughshod over whatever arguments are made and evidence is presented in opposition to their opinion.