The Gaza War Day 219, The War in the North

Yom Rishon


4 Iyar 5784

May 12 2024




A soldier stands at salute in a military cemetery in honor of her fallen comrades.

A soldier stands at salute in a military cemetery in honor of her fallen comrades.

Israel’s Memorial Day, Yom Hazikaron, will begin in 1 hour at 8 pm. Sirens will sound, and all of Israel will stop and stand at attention, remembering those who have fallen in defense of the country.

Two days ago, we published  information which has since been updated:

25,040 have died in defense of Israel between 1860 and today. 

Since October 6 (one day before the HamISIS attacks), 530 IDF soldiers, 68 Israel Police, 39 members of border community security standby units, and 6 members of Shin Bet have fallen.

Since October 6, the number of those “Bereaved” has increased dramatically with 1,300 more bereaved parents, 248 more widows, 520 more orphans, and 2,174 more bereaved brothers and sisters.

Here at OneIsrael we suggest that you also silently stand at attention in remembrance.


Sderot was targeted by 3 incoming missiles fired by Palestinians in Gaza at 9:34 am this Passover morning.

Sderot was targeted by 4 incoming missiles fired by Palestinians in Gaza at 5:05 pm this afternoon.

2 missiles were intercepted over the city and 2 missiles fell in open areas outside the city at 5:05 pm–one of three barrages fired at Sderot today. A three-year-old child was injured while trying to make it to a bomb shelter in the latest barrage.

It's Mothers' Day in the U.S. This is what a mother in Sderot was doing on the sidewalk this afternoon--trying to protect her child.

It’s Mothers’ Day in the U.S. This is what a mother in Sderot was doing on the sidewalk this afternoon–trying to protect her child.

Palestinian terrorists in Gaza also fired missiles at Kerem Shalom and Ashkelon today. The missiles are being fired from Rafah.

On the Ground in Gaza

The IDF Spokesman:

“In a joint operation by the Shin Bet and the IDF last Friday, the terrorist Naim Gol, a military operative in the Hamas terrorist organization in the Shatti Battalion in Gaza , was eliminated. As part of his activity, he was involved in firing rockets at Israeli territory and was also believed to be in possession of the late Corporal Noa Marciano , who was abducted during the events of 10/7 and murdered in Shifa Hospital. Also, three months ago, another terrorist was eliminated who took part in the possession of the late Corporal Noa Marciano. The IDF shares in the grief of the Marciano family and will continue to accompany them.”

The Flabbergasting and Disgusting Report of the Day

If you can believe this (and why not since we know who President Biden is), the Bidenites in Washington are apparently withholding sensitive intelligence information that will help the IDF find hidden tunnels in Rafah and locate the leaders of HamISIS. The Bidenites are willing to give Israel the information if Israel does not engage in a full-scale attack on Rafah.

Say what?

The U.S. has information where the leaders of HamISIS are hiding? And where their hidden tunnels are? And have not already handed this information over to Israel?

What kind of ally is the U.S.?

Just incredible.

A Huge Shout Out to Eden Golan!

A huge congratulations to Eden Golan for finishing 5th in the Eurovision song competition.

Eden Golan performing in Malmo Sweden during the Eurovision contest. A huge congratulations to her for finishing 5th in the Eurovision despite large anti-Israel protests in the city as well as numerous anti-Israel incidents during the contest..

The truly amazing fact is that while most of the countries’ “juries” completely ignored her performance, she finished 2nd in Europe in terms of votes of the people.

Kolakevod Eden!

         OneIsrael’s Campaign For Our Soldiers             


As seen by the recent attack in which 4 soldiers in the Nahal Brigade were killed in northern Gaza, the Hezbollah attack several days ago near Metulla in which 2 IDF soldiers were killed and the murderous attack earlier this week at the Kerem Shalom Crossing in which 4 soldiers were killed, IDF soldiers on the ground need basic protective gear, armaments, and supplies.

Even during the recent Iranian attacks soldiers were forced to lie in open trenches to protect themselves from incoming missiles and drones as they have been doing for months on the Gaza and northern borders.

OneIsrael is now engaged in a campaign to help protect our soldiers. This campaign will extend to Shavuot.

So far, you have donated just over $5000–half of our $10,000 goal.

Please consider donating to our campaign by clicking on the donate button in the right hand column on this page. All donations go directly to our soldiers.

Thank you to those of you who have already contributed to the protection of our brave men and women in uniform!

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