The Gaza War Day 220, The War in the North

Yom Shnee


5 Iyar 5784

May 13 2024




There are no fireworks in Israel this year, but that didn't stop soldiers

There are no fireworks in Israel this year, but that didn’t stop soldiers in the 221st Battalion in Gaza from firing them off over Gaza a few minutes ago!




Cars stopped on a freeway outside of Tel Aviv yesterday as drivers stand silently at attention to remember our fallen soldiers.

Cars stopped on a freeway outside of Tel Aviv yesterday as drivers stand silently at attention to remember our fallen soldiers.

A very sad Yom Hazikaron ends tonight at sundown to be followed immediately by a muted Israel Independence Day celebration.

OneIsrael will have another update later in the evening.

            OneIsrael’s Campaign For Our Soldiers             


As seen by the recent attack in which 4 soldiers in the Nahal Brigade were killed in northern Gaza, the Hezbollah attack several days ago near Metulla in which 2 IDF soldiers were killed, and the murderous attack last week at the Kerem Shalom Crossing in which 4 soldiers were killed, IDF soldiers on the ground need basic protective gear, armaments, and supplies.

Even during the recent Iranian attacks soldiers were forced to lie in open trenches to protect themselves from incoming missiles and drones as they have been doing for months on the Gaza and northern borders.

OneIsrael is now engaged in a campaign to help protect our soldiers. This campaign will extend to Shavuot.

So far, you have donated just over $5000–half of our $10,000 goal.

Please consider donating to our campaign by clicking on the donate button in the right hand column on this page. All donations go directly to our soldiers.

Thank you to those of you who have already contributed to the protection of our brave men and women in uniform!

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Photo of the Day

One of many "humanitarian" aid trucks that were stopped by Israelis near Hevron and "unloaded."

One of many “humanitarian” aid trucks that were stopped by Israeli citizens near Hevron and “unloaded.”

15 Second Video of the Morning

Click here to see a short video of how Israelis blocked “humanitarian” aid trucks near Nagohut and dumped their contents on the ground.

The Hilarious Quote of the Morning

“The Palestinian Authority has decided to reject the proposal of Israel and the United States to take control of the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing . . . We will not be able to take over the management of the crossing on the Palestinian side as long as there are no local understandings with the leaders of Hamas because this will only lead to clashes and bloodshed.”

PLO Senior Advisor to PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas yesterday.


Translated: “We in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) don’t want to be given responsibility for anything in Gaza because Palestinian Hamas will kill us.”

On the Ground in Gaza

*IDF armored forces are expanding the ground maneuver in Rafah towards the al-Janina and Salam neighborhoods west of Saleh al-Din Street.

*Fierce infantry battles at Jabaliya in northern Gaza.

*Exchanges of fire in the outskirts of the eastern neighborhoods of Rafah, Jabaliya, Nusirat and Gaza City. At the same time, the Air Force attacked terrorist targets in the neighborhoods of Daraj al Topah and Zeitun.

The IAF attacked more than 120 terrorist targets in the last day.

Talal Abu Zarifa, a senior leader of the “Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine”, was killed in an IDF attack in the Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City.

On the Ground in the North

The IDF Spokesman:

“Following the alarms that were activated in the north of the country, two anti-tank missiles crossed from Lebanon into Israel and fell in the Yiftah area.

As a result of the anti-tank missiles hitting, three IDF soldiers were slightly injured and another soldier was moderately injured. The soldiers were evacuated for medical treatment in a hospital, their families were informed.

In addition, a short time ago, an unmanned aircraft that crossed from Lebanon fell in the area of Zar’it. There are no casualties.”

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

IDF forces have been operating in the last few hours in the town of Yatta in southern Mount Hebron to capture wanted terrorists. In addition, the IDF is arresting wanted persons in El Bira, Qalqilya, Azon, the town of Tel in the Shechem sector, and Deir Samet in southern Hebron.

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