The Gaza War Day 222, The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee


7 Iyar 5784

May 15 2024


May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Elad Pingerhut, a heroic Israeli citizen who was killed by a Hezbollah anti-tank missile at Adamit as he ran to help two soldiers who had been wounded by a previous missile.

Elad Pingerhut, a heroic Israeli citizen who was killed by a Hezbollah anti-tank missile at Adamit as he ran to help two soldiers who had been wounded by a previous missile.

Elad was 38 years old and the father of three.

Sgt. Yair Gisfan

Sgt. Ira Yair Gisfan, 19, from Petah Tikva.

Sgt. Gisfan is the first soldier to fall in the Rafah operation.He served in the 7th Armored Brigade’s 75th Battalion.

Sgt. Gisfan is the 273rd IDF soldier to have fallen since the Gaza offensive began back on October 27.

        OneIsrael’s Campaign For Our Soldiers             


IDF soldiers on the ground need basic protective gear, armaments, and supplies.


OneIsrael is now engaged in a campaign to help protect our soldiers. This campaign will extend to Shavuot.

Please consider donating to our campaign by clicking on the donate button in the right hand column on this page. All donations go directly to our soldiers.

Thank you to those of you who have already contributed to the protection of our brave men and women in uniform; because of generous donations yesterday, we have now reached over $6000 on the way to our goal of $10,000!

On the Ground in the South

Sderot has been targeted three times in the last 12 hours by missiles fired from Gaza today.

Sderot has been targeted three times in the last 12 hours by missiles fired from Gaza.

Two women were wounded in the last barrage at 17:01 this afternoon during which two missiles were intercepted and one hit a new apartment building in the city.

Residents bitterly and correctly complained this afternoon that nothing has changed since the beginning of the war–Sderot is once again missile fodder for the Palestinian terrorists in Gaza.

Because of the non-stop attacks, Sderot parents have organized a shutdown of all educational institutions for tomorrow:

No school in Sderot tomorrow.

No school in Sderot tomorrow.

Meanwhile, the IDF spokesman issued this update about IDF operations in Gaza in the last 24 hours:

“Division 99 continues its activities in the central Gaza; the fighters of the Nahal Brigade completed an operation in the Zeitoun area. The fighters eliminated dozens of terrorists in encounters on the ground and in airstrikes, destroyed terrorist infrastructures and located dozens of Kalashnikovs, grenades, and ammunition.

In the Jabaliya neighborhood in northern Gaza, the IAF eliminated the terrorist squad that carried out launches on Sderot last night.”

On the Ground in the North

*As you saw above, Hezbollah anti-tank missiles badly wounded two IDF soldiers and killed a civilian who was trying to rescue them in Adamit.

*More than 40 Hezbollah missiles were fired at the military base at Miron. There are no reports of casualties or damage.

*The IAF eliminated Hussein Mechi, Hezbollah’s most senior commander in Lebanon–and two of of his deputies yesterday in a targeted drone-missile attack on his car in Tyre:

Three more Hezbollah terrorist leaders bite the dust--or rather are incinerated.

Three more Hezbollah terrorist leaders bite the dust–or rather are incinerated.

On the Political Scene

*The fight over the orthodox draft law continues. Yesterday, PM Netanyahu pulled a rabbit out of his hat by proposing that the new draft law be the exact draft law that his opponent, Benny Gantz, proposed two years ago. 

As you might imagine, the ever-abominable Gantz was quick to the podium to suggest that his formerly proposed law is no longer relevant and that a new law must be formulated. 

*This evening has seen a particularly unseemly attack on PM Netanyahu by Defense Minister Gallant.

According to Gallant, Netanyahu is maliciously doing nothing to ensure that after the Gaza war, Gaza will be “ruled and administered” by Palestinians–with no Israeli military presence.

Can you believe this?

What do you think will happen if the IDF pulls out of Israel tomorrow? HamISIS, Islamic Jihad, Fatah’s Al-Qassam Brigades will all be back in control in a nanosecond. 

Of course the reason that Gallant makes statements like this is that he wants to endear himself to the Bidenites in Washington who want the terrorist PLO to take over Gaza.

With every statement that Gallant makes, he further demonstrates that he unsuited to be Defense Minister. 

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