The Gaza War Day 224, The War in the North

Yom Shishee


9 Iyar 5784

May 17 2024



Another dark day in Israel. The bodies of these four hostages were found in a tunnel between Rafah and Egypt: top l-r: Itzik Gelernter, Amit Buskila;bottom l-r: Shani Louk, Ran Benjamin.


Of these four, Shani Louk was already known to be dead because her head had been located. Apparently the rest of her body was just found.

It may be that we are on the verge of finding more bodies. Thus far 70 tunnels have been found in Rafah–50 of which cross the border into Egypt. Yesterday, Israel’s representative in The Hague said pointedly that “Israeli hostages are held in the Rafah tunnels.”

As if this information was not bad enough, two more IDF soldiers have fallen in Gaza:


Sgt. Ran Yavetz, 39, from Modi’in, a fighter in Battalion 6828 Bislah Brigade fell in combat.

Sgt. Yavetz was married with three children.

Another soldier in the Paratrooper Brigade has died from wounds received in the same friendly fire incident in which 5 of his fellow soldiers died.

Sgt. Ben Avishi, 20, from Nahariya died this morning. The IDF has not released his photo as of this hour.

May the memories of our hostages and our soldiers be for a blessing.

On the Ground in Gaza



The map on the left shows the point (red circle) to which IDF forces have advanced; the map on the right is the same area without the Rafah neighborhood boundaries filled in. What we can see is the IDF now has control of about 6.8 km of border between Egypt and Gaza (aka the Philadephia axis). There are 5 more km between our advance point and the Mediterranean. The Kuwaiti Hospital in which HamISIS terrorists have a headquarters is 1 km west of our advance point.

Elsewhere in Gaza:

From the IDF spokesman:

Division 98 has so far eliminated about 200 terrorists since the beginning of the operation in Jabaliya, and captured about 40 terrorists. One commander says that the fighting is extremely intense“This is one of the most violent areas I have encountered.”

The Nahal Brigade, the Carmeli Brigade and the Rabbi Mamedit unit raided the Zeytun neighborhood in central Gaza, destroying many terrorist infrastructures, attack tunnels, a lathe for the production of IEDs, launch pits and Hamas headquarters that were used by the organization to plan and carry out terrorist activities against our forces. 90 terrorists and 300 terrorist infrastructures were eliminated.

On the Ground in the North

Note all the yellow flashpoints on the map below which was issued by Hezbollah. These are the points they attacked yesterday with more than 75 missiles and suicide exploding drones.

Hez actions yesterday

As we noted yesterday, the northern border has become a no-man’s land with more missiles and drones exploding everyday. Of particular concern are the facts that Hezbollah is using increasingly sophisticated weapons and that the terror organization is striking ever deeper into Israel.

The IAF took out another senior Hezbollah commander yesterday; Hussein Mahdi was killed in a vehicle attack in Sidon 40 km from the border with Israel.

More Information About October 7th

We now know that approximately 500 HamISIS terrorists from Gaza trained for weeks in Iran before the massacres of October 7th–and the U.S. knew about it.

The training was held in September and was led by Iranian Brig. Gen. Esmail Qaani, the head of Quds Force. Apparently, Bidenites did not inform Israel of the training because “there was no information that could link the specific training camp to the preparation for a massacre.”

Say what? Why else would 500 HamISIS terrorists have gone to Iran for intense combat training?

By the way, you might be asking how 500 terrorists made it from Gaza to Iran and back? The answer is simple: they passed through the Rafah Crossing into Egypt, went to Iran, and returned to Egypt and the Rafah Crossing.

And so it goes until our next update . . .



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