The Gaza War Day 226, The War in the North

Yom Rishon


11 Iyar 5784

May 19 2024



Breaking News:

Is Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi dead? His helicopter is still missing on the Azerbaijan border.


May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Three more of our heroic soldiers have fallen in the last hours:


Sgt. Meir Haim Vaknin, 20 years old, from Eilat.



Sgt. Noam Bittan, 20 years old, from Moshav Yad Rambam.

Both soldiers were members of the Givati Combat Team and were killed when a booby-trap bomb exploded in a tunnel in Rafah.

Another soldier from the Paratrooper Brigade that was critically wounded in the tank shell explosion 4 days ago died this morning:

Maj. Gal Shabbat, 24, from Katzir succumbed to his wounds–the 7th soldier who was killed in the incident. His photo has not been released by the IDF.

On the Ground in Gaza

*A missile fired from an IAF aircraft eliminated Azmi Abu-Daqa, the long sought after HamISIS terrorist in charge of the terror organization’s weapons supply.

*The IDF and IAF carried out massive attacks throughout Gaza during the last 24 hours. Terrorists were killed in Gaza City, Rafah, Sheikh Zayed, Al Burij, Nuseirat, Jabaliya, Zeitoun, Karama, and Khan Younis.

The Utter Insanity of the Situation

The extraordinary lengths that the Bidenites in Washington are forcing Israel to go to are beyond insane.

First, we now have Israeli soldiers being forced to guard the off-loading of “humanitarian” cargo on the new pier built on the Gaza coast–and even oversee its distribution to HamISIS affiliates. The first cargo arrived at the pier yesterday from a French ship and was immediately taken by a Palestinian mob.

Second, we now have the utterly incredible spectacle of Israeli fruits and vegetables being trucked into Gaza and once again being handed over to HamISIS distributors. Not only is this obscene given the paucity of food available to our hostages, but also it is obscene in that it is raising the prices of fruits and vegetables in Israel which are suddenly in short supply.  By the way, it is estimated that HamISIS has already deposited half a billion dollars into its coffers via its control of the “humanitarian” food market.

Third, we Israeli taxpayers are being forced to pay for tent housing for the many of the same so-called “civilians” who carried out and applauded the massacres on October 7th. The photo below is of tents that were transported through the Kerem Shalom Crossing into Gaza two days ago:


The whole situation is just plain garden-variety insane. 

By the way, President Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse University today–a black male college in Atlanta. What do you think was the subject of Biden’s address? His demand for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to protect Palestinian civilians.

Biden’s entire presidential campaign has turned its focus away from the economy, away from the cost of living, away from virtually everything except for the “heartbreaking situation of the poor Palestinians.”

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

There have been several stabbing attempts today. The photo below shows the result of one such attempt at a checkpoint near Bethlehem where security forces shot dead a Palestinian terrorist who tried to stab them:

The dead terrorist in the roadway.

The dead terrorist in the roadway

And so it goes until our next update . . .

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