The Gaza War Day 231, The War in the North

Yom Shishee


16 Iyar 5784

May 24 2024


UPDATE 1– 2:00 PM

May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Three more hostage bodies have been found dumped in a tunnel shaft in Jabaliya. Whether they were murdered on October 7th or afterwards is not known at this time.


L-R: Michel Nisenbaum, Oryon Hernandez, Chanan Yablonka

Michel Nisenbaum, 59 years old from Sderot, captured while trying to rescue his four year old granddaughter from the barbarian monsters.

Oryon Hernandez, 30, a Mexican citizen, taken captive at the music festival. He was the partner of Shani Louk whose body parts have been found in various places in Gaza.

Chanan Yablonka, 42 years old, taken captive at the music festival.

Where do we stand now in terms of the hostages?

According to the IDF, 125 hostages remain in Gaza. 40 of these have been declared dead; however, another 5 have been declared dead by HamISIS. Thus far, 19 hostage bodies have been recovered.

How many hostages are actually alive? No one knows for sure. HamISIS has previously stated that it “cannot find” more than 20 “live hostages.”

Following the publication of the egregiously horrible video this past week of female hostage soldiers being beaten and abused–and earmarked for rape and pregnancy, it may be that the only remaining live hostages are pregnant.

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