The Gaza War Day 233, The War in the North

Yom Rishon


18 Iyar 5784

May 26 2024



UPDATE 11:00 PM Sunday

May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

Left: ; Right:

Left: Sgt. Bezalel Kovach ; Right: Sgt. Shahar Sudai

Sgt. Shahar Sudai, 20 years old from Tel Aviv, a fighter in the Rotem Regiment, was killed in battle in northern Gaza.

Sgt. Bezalel Zvi Kovach, 20, from Jerusalem, a fighter in the Netzah Yehuda Battalion, died from wounds he suffered on May 22 in northern Gaza.

This brings to 284 the number of IDF soldiers who have fallen in the Gaza Operation since October 27.

On the Ground in Gaza

The IDF Spokesman:

“Aircraft of the Air Force under the intelligence guidance of the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet attacked earlier this evening and killed the terrorist Yassin Rabia, head of the West Bank headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas, and the terrorist Khaled Nagar, a senior officer in the West Bank headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas. The attack was carried out in the Tel Alsaltan area in the northwest of Rafah and based on accurate intelligence.

The scene of the attack tonight.

The scene of the attack in Rafah tonight.

The Hagada headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas is responsible for directing, financing and supporting the launching of terrorist attacks in the territories of Judea and Samaria and in the interior of the country. The terrorist Yassin Rabia managed all the military formations of the West Bank headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas, was involved in the transfer of funds for terrorist purposes and directed attacks by Hamas operatives in Judea and Samaria.

Yassin has carried out a number of murderous attacks in the past, including attacks in 2001 and 2002 in which IDF soldiers were killed. The terrorist Khaled Nagar, a senior officer in the West Bank headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas, who directed shooting attacks and other terrorist plots in Judea and Samaria, and was involved in the transfer of funds intended for terrorism for the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip In the past, the terrorist Khaled carried out a number of murderous attacks, including attacks in 2001-2003 in which Israeli civilians were killed and other soldiers were injured. There are reports that as a result of the attack and a fire that broke out in the area, a number of people were injured, the incident is under investigation.”

About the Attack in Rafah (Photo Above)

Al Jazeera (a HamISIS media front): 28

CNN (a HamISIS media front): 35

The HamISIS Gaza Health Ministry: 45 and climbing

The numbers above are supposedly the number of “innocent civilians” killed in the strike on Rafah. Of course, the numbers are fake, but as usual, HamISIS is playing it for all it’s worth.

Outrageously, in the numbers reported above, there is no mention of terrorists who were killed.

UPDATE 3 PM Sunday

As you can see, the areas of central Israel targeted were just to the north and east of Tel Aviv.

As you can see, the areas of central Israel targeted were just to the north and east of Tel Aviv.

This afternoon a barrage of 12 missiles was launched out of Rafah (about 800 meters from our soldiers’ current position) at central Israel including such targets at Kfar Saba, Herzliya, and Petah Tikva. Two Israelis were reportedly wounded.

This barrage followed 5 separate missile barrages fired by Hezbollah at northern Israel over the course of three hours at such such locations as Avivim,  Rosh Hanikra, Shlomi, Idmit, and Arab Al-Aramshe.

After the missile barrage on central Israel, Hezbollah launched suicide drones at Dafna, HaGoshrim, Ghajar, and Kibbutz Dan–and more missiles at Betzet, Lehman and Snir.

Meanwhile in the last few minutes, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza have fired more missiles at Israeli communities along the Gaza border at Kfar Aza, Sa’ad, Zimrat, and Shuva.

In short, it has been an afternoon of missiles and drones fired by Hezbollah at the north, and HamISIS at the center and south. It is hard to believe that this is the 233rd day of the war, and we are still getting bombed from all directions. 


UPDATE 11 PM Saturday

The Photo Of The Day

Remember the $400,000,000 pier/temporary port that the American Army constructed off the coast of Gaza? 

Well now, part of it is on the beach in front of our house in Ashdod:

Apparently, this part of the pier broke off and floated north to our beach. The Israel Navy secured it today so that it wouldn't further break apart.

Apparently, this part of the pier broke off and floated north to our beach. The Israel Navy secured it today so that it wouldn’t further break apart.

If this is not ridiculous enough, the Egyptians are now extremely angry with the U.S. for building the pier/port and Israel for guarding it.

Why? Because all of that “humanitarian aid” being transported from Egypt into Gaza via the Rafah Crossing was heavily taxed by the Egyptians, and now they see the possibility of their income being dried up. Even worse, the Egyptians fear that people will begin leaving Gaza via the pier/port, and their $5000 tax per person will disappear.

By the way, 4 U.S. Navy ships ran aground in the area of the pier/port this morning.

On the Ground in the South

The IDF Spokesman:

“Division 98 continues to operate in the Jabaliya area in northern Gaza. In the last day, the forces destroyed terrorist infrastructures, launch sites alongside military buildings and found many weapons. In addition, the forces eliminated dozens of terrorists in face-to-face battles and by directing air force aircraft strikes, including terrorists who directed attacks at the fighters in the field.

In closing the circle of the forces, an Air Force aircraft eliminated a Hamas sniper squad that had been operating several days before on IDF fighters. There were no casualties to our forces in this encounter.

The fighters of the 679th Brigade combat team under the 99th Division eliminated a number of terrorists in the central Gaza in clashes and shootings. During the operation of Division 162 in the Rafah area, the fighters destroyed a terrorist squad that opened fire on the force in a face-to-face battle. As part of the searches, they located and destroyed many terrorist weapons and equipment in the area.”

*HamISIS claims that it has kidnapped an IDF soldier inside a tunnel in Jabaliya. The IDF vigorously denies the claim.

On the Ground in the North

*During the day, incoming missiles from Hezbollah targeted Kfar Giladi, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai (04:31): Kfar Giladi, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai (04:33); Zarit (05:00); Kfar Giladi, Misgav Am, Tel Hai (07:01).

Incoming alarms for suicide drones sounded at Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Metulla, Manara, Maayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryat Shmona, and Tel Hai (06:31).

“A short time ago, Air Force fighter jets attacked a number of military buildings of Hezbollah in the areas of A-Tswana and Ramya, alongside the organization’s terrorist infrastructure in the Yaron area.

An Air Force aircraft attacked terrorists of the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the Hanin region of southern Lebanon. Further to the warnings in the north of the country, about 20 launches were detected that crossed from Lebanon towards different areas, a number of falls were detected in the area of the settlements Dobb and Menara that caused damage.

The IDF forces attacked the sources of the fire with artillery. In addition, several warnings were activated about the infiltration of enemy aircraft in several areas, of which an aerial target was successfully intercepted by air defense fighters in the Dishon area.”

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