The Gaza War Day 235, The War in the North

Yom Shleeshee


20 Iyar 5784

May 28 2024




May His Memory Be For A Blessing

Nathanial Buchris of Lod fell in battle in Gaza today. No further information is available at this time.

The Photo of The Day


Nikki Haley writing on artillery shells on the northern border today. Her message: “Finish them! America loves Israel.”

American May Love Israel . . . But Asinine Comments From Bidenites T0day

Asinine comment 1:

“The word tragic does not even begin to describe Israel’s deadly attacks in Rafah.”  U.S. Vice President Camilla Harris speaking today.

Her comments were in reaction to the incident in Rafah in which so-called Palestinian “civilians” were inadvertently killed in an attack on HamISIS leaders–“civilians” who refused to vacate the area in order to be HamISIS human shields.

Not only that but also it is now apparent that the two precision missiles that hit the HamISIS compound started a fire because of the HamISIS weapons stored there.

In an intercepted HamISIS message, one terrorist says: “This is an ammunition depot, I’m telling you it exploded. The bombardment by the Jews was not strong, it was a small missile.”

But do you think for one moment that the likes of Kamila Harris, Joe Biden, the U.N., or European leaders care what HamISIS said? Of course not; they are too busy being “heartbroken”.

But wait . . . there was another asinine statement from the Bidenites today.

Asinine comment 2:

Remember how President Biden promised to defend Israel in the International Criminal Court whose prosecutor wants to try Israeli leaders for war crimes?

So much for that flimsy promise. 

Whereas Republicans in Congress are attempting to place sanctions on the ICC prosecutor and justices, in a media briefing today, spokesman John Kirby proclaimed: “The U.S. does not support the imposition of sanctions against the Criminal Court in The Hague following the prosecutor’s request to submit arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant.”

Speaking of Flimsy

The Pentagon confirmed today that its newly constructed pier/port into central Gaza has indeed broken apart. Apparently, pieces of it are being hauled by naval vessels to Ashdod to be reconstructed.

Israel’s Newest Weapon?


The M113 Cheetah in its normal configuration as an Armored Personnel Carrier.

There are numerous reports from Israeli and Arab sources that the IDF has converted the M113 into “robotically driven tanks”. The Arabs call them “suicide tanks” because they are autonomously driven with no soldiers inside into areas which are heavily booby-trapped. In the past two weeks, they have been used heavily in Rafah and Jabaliya.

Israeli Insanity

If you can believe this, IDF Chief of Staff Halevi has appointed “an advisory committee” to “examine the conditions in IDF prisons of the terrorists  who carried out the butchery on October 7.

These monsters should have never been incarcerated in the first place–simply taken out and shot.

That Halevi would be worried about them now speaks volumes about Halevi and the idiocy of the IDF General Command.


On that unhappy note we will leave you until our next update . . .

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