The Gaza War Day 236, The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee


21 Iyar 5784

May 29 2024


May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

L-R: Sgt. Uri Bar Or, Sgt. Ido Appel, Sgt.Amir Galilove.

L-R: Sgt. Uri Bar Or, Sgt. Ido Appel, Sgt.Amir Galilove.

Sgt. Uri Bar Or, 21, was from Midreshet Ben-Gurion, in the Negev Desert.

Sgt. Ido Appel, 21, from Tzofar, in the Jordan Valley.

Sgt. Amir Galilove, 20, from the village of Shimshit, in northern Israel.

All 3 soldiers were fighters in the rifle company of the Nahal Brigade attached to the 50th Division. They were killed (and 7 more were seriously wounded) when they went into a booby-trapped building near the Rafah Crossing which was remotely detonated by HamISIS terrorists.

286 IDF soldiers have now fallen since the Gaza Operation began on October 27.


On the Ground in the North

Hezbollah has sent 4 barrages of  suicide drones to attack these locations: Tel Hai,  Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Kiryat Shmona, T Dishon, Iftach, Mevuot Hermon, Metulla, Ramot Naftali, and Malkia–and missiles to attack the Mt. Hermon Regional Council and Shtula.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

During the last 24 hours Palestinian HamISIS terrorists apparently based in Tulkarm have carried out shooting attacks on Israelis at Kibbutz Yad Hana, Emek Hefer, and Gan Ner. The IDF is engaged in intense manhunts for the terrorists.

More Israeli Insanity

You may recall that following October 7, Israel banned the entry of Palestinian workers into Israel. 

However, it turns out that the number of Palestinian workers coming to work in the territories of Judea and Samaria is surging despite the ban. About 8,000 Palestinians are currently working in industry, about 1,500 in services and about 1,300 in construction.

And no one is doing anything about this.

And so it goes until our next update.

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