The Gaza War Day 239, The War in the North

Yom Rishon


25 Iyar 5784

June 2 2024


             OneIsrael’s Campaign For Our Soldiers             


IDF soldiers on the ground need basic protective gear, armaments, and supplies more than ever now that they are in Rafah and engaged in incredibly dangerous action elsewhere.


OneIsrael is now carrying out a campaign to help protect our soldiers. This campaign is coming to an end in less than two weeks on Shavuot.

Please consider donating to our campaign by clicking on the donate button in the right hand column on this page. All donations go directly to our soldiers.

Thank you to those of you who have already contributed to the protection of our brave men and women in uniform; we need $3000 more dollars to reach our goal of $10,000!



On the Ground in Gaza

The Latest U.S. Absurdity

The Bidenites demanded that Israel attend a tripartite meeting this morning with the U.S. and Egypt in order to open the Rafah Crossing again.

What was the result?

Egypt now demands that the IDF withdraw from the entire area around the Crossing, that Israel play no part in administering the Crossing, and that the Crossing reopen exclusively under Egyptian and Palestinian cooperation and administration.

Can you believe this?

In the last week, the IDF has uncovered dozens of tunnels leading from Rafah into Egypt–tunnels that corrupt Egyptian officials immensely benefitted from along with Palestinian HamISIS smugglers.

Biden wants to return to this situation again.

Continuing Turmoil Over the Latest Biden Peace “Proposal”

It is fair to say that Biden has exacerbated the already existing divide in Israel about how to proceed. 

Insofar as politicians are concerned, we have Bidenophiles Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot aligned with all of the leftist leaders such as Yair Lapid and Yair Golan in attempting to push the Biden proposal down Israel’s throat. 

On the other side we have Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir and Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich (whom the “left” likes to call “Kahanists”) issuing statements that they will pull out of the government if PM Netanyahu kowtows to Biden.

Interestingly, Defense Minister Gallant who normally sides with Gantz came out with this statement this morning:

“In any process of ending the war, we will not accept the rule of Hamas. We are promoting a governing alternative to Hamas, within the framework of which we will isolate areas, remove Hamas members and bring in other forces that will enable a different government.”

You might remember that Biden’s proposal does not call for dismantling or even disarming HamISIS.

And this morning, HamISIS issued this statement:

“We have no intention of giving up our weapons and stop arming as long as Israel exists.”

As long as Israel exists. 

As long as Israel exists.

I repeat this sentence for you to think more about the fact that it crystallizes the same murderous ideology that produced the barbaric murders on October 7. HamISIS wants to wipe Israel off the map and murder all Jews in Israel in the process.

How can we have a ceasefire with these monsters?

On the Ground in the North

We are long past the time when the IDF needs to fully engage Hezbollah.

Today has seen dozens of more incoming missile and suicide drone alarms as Hezbollah has accelerated and intensified its efforts to lay waste to the northern communities.

Large, heavy payload Barkan missiles hit Kiryat Shmona and Margaliot again today destroying numerous homes and buildings. Other missiles hit Misgav Am, Kfar Giladi, Tel Hai, Kfar Yuval, and Katzrin. A number of Israelis were wounded in the Katzrin barrages.

Meanwhile suicide drones struck Shavei Zion, Ben Ami, Sa’ar, Bustan HaGalil, Ness Amim, Nahariya, Mazra’a, and Regba.

News reports this morning are that the Biden Administration is once again egregiously sticking its nose into the Israel-Hezbollah situation by placing the onus for the fighting on the Lebanese border on Israel.

The Bidenite idea seems to be that if Israel will stop the war in Gaza, then the U.S. will facilitate the delivery of gas and oil to Lebanon via Syria, and then Hezbollah will go along with a ceasefire.


On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

Remember the Palestinian terrorist who murdered two IDF soldiers a few days ago in a run-over attack near Shechem. As we reported, the terrorist subsequently turned himself into the PLO in Shechem.

The Israel Civil Administration and the IDF General Command were idiotically comfortable with the situation and insisted that the PLO would soon turn over the terrorist to Israel.

This morning comes news that the PLO turned the terrorist loose.

A manhunt is now underway.

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