The Gaza War Day 243, The War in the North

Yom Chamishee


29 Iyar 5784

June 6 2024




May Their Memories Be For A Blessing


Sgt. (res) Refael Kauders, 39, from Tzur Hadassah, was killed in the Hezbollah suicide drone attack on Hurfeish in the north yesterday.

Sgt. Kauders was a member of the 2298th Alon Brigade in Battalion 5030. At his funeral yesterday:


Photo below:

Sgt Maj. Zeed Mazarib, 34, a tracker in a Bedouin patrol unit in the Gaza Division’s Southern Brigade. He was from the town of Zarzir, near Nazareth, in northern Israel and was the 290th soldier to fall in the Gaza Operation that began on October 27 last year:


Sgt. Mazarib fell while stopping an attempted pre-dawn infiltration from Rafah into the Kerem Shalom Area. 

According to the IDF Spokesman: “IDF observers spotted suspicious movement in the Gaza area opposite the Kerem Shalom crossing, and triggered an infiltration procedure. The Bedouin patrol unit was activated and began to scan the area, which the IDF considers a buffer zone on the Gaza side of the border fence.

A terrorist squad was spotted, equipped with small arms and RPG rockets. Upon encountering IDF forces, the terrorists opened fire, killed Mazarib.

Two terrorists were then eliminated by a UAV strike and a third was killed by tank fire. A fourth terrorist appears to have escaped back into Gaza. Hamas claimed responsibility for the terror squad and infiltration event. The IDF said there was no breach into Israeli territory. Two other soldiers in the Bedouin GDSR were seriously injured, and were evacuated to hospitals in Israel.”

On the Ground in the South

A huge HamISIS terror group was killed yesterday in Nuseirat in central Gaza when the IAF bombed the UNRWA “school” which was in reality a HamISIS headquarters.

At least 30 and possibly as many as 50 terrorists were eliminated–most of whom had participated in the October 7th massacres.

Acccording to the latest IDF estimates, about half of HamISIS 25,000 man terror force has now been killed. 8,000 of the remaining terrorists are entrenched in Rafah.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

An intense firefight has been taking place during the day in Jenin involving ground troops and combat helicopters. Thus far according to the Red Crescent, 8 terrorists have reportedly been wounded–4 critically.

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