The Gaza War Day 244, The War in the North

Yom Shishee


1 Sivan 5784

June 7 2024



The Happy Photo of the Morning


An officer (face blurred) in the elite counter-terrorism Yatam Unit was released from Soroka Hospital in Beersheva following 5 long months of surgeries and rehabilitation.

The officer was critically wounded by gunshot wounds back in December, and it was thought he might not survive, and that surely he would never be able to walk again.

However, after multiple surgeries and rehab, he walked out of the hospital yesterday.

Kolakevod to him and the entire medical staff at Soroka!


*The Rafah Crossing remains closed. A meeting this morning between Israeli, Egyptian, and American officials ended after Israel refused to allow any Palestinian involvement in the reopening of the Crossing. Kolakevod to our government!

*Benny Gantz continues to make hourly noises that he wants to leave the Emergency Government and is holding a press conference in a few hours to possibly announce his resignation. What is our response to that? Good riddance!

Gantz is an incompetent Bidenite grandstander who played a major role in the construction of the perception over the years that HamISIS really wanted peace.

*IDF forces advancing through the Philadelphi Axis have now reached the Mediterranean–meaning that the IDF now controls the entire length of the Egyptian-Gazan border on the Gazan side:

Israeli tanks have reached the Mediterranean along the Philadelphi Axis.

Israeli tanks have reached the Mediterranean along the Philadelphi Axis.

*Numerous explosive drones have been launched into northern Israel today: 1:35 pm: Majdal Shams, the Golan; 12:59: Metulla, Hai, Kiryat Shmona.

*No new news on the hostage front: Palestinian HamISIS remains firm in its position that there will be no deal unless Israel ends the war in Gaza and we withdraw all of our troops.

*PM Netanyahu’s address to the U.S. Congress has been postponed from June 13 until July 24 because of the upcoming holiday of Shavuot. It is still unclear whether Netanyahu will travel to Washington to deliver his speech or do so remotely from Jerusalem.

*The IDF Spokesman about the war in Gaza: “The forces of the 98th Division continue fighting in eastern Al Burij and eastern Deir al Balach. The fighters have so far eliminated dozens of terrorists, located shafts and destroyed terrorist infrastructures in the area. The Air Force, in cooperation with the forces of the 98th Division, attacked and eliminated the head of the Tamas launch squad and another terrorist who shot at the forces.” In other information, the mayor of the central Gazan neighborhood of Nuseirat was killed in an IAF airstrike yesterday.

*Miri Regev, Minister of Transportation and Road Safety, announced a plan yesterday to connect Golan Heights communities such as Katrin to Highway 90 and the planned train station near Tzfat. This is long overdue and marks a major effort to integrate the Golan into Israel.

*The average salary in Israel rose 3.2% last month to 14,079 shekels per month (at the exchange rate this morning, this is about $3,750 per month). At the same time, prices for 1500 medicines will be dropping next month as will car insurance and other items.

On that note, we here at OneIsrael wish our soldiers and you dear readers:



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