The Gaza War Day 246, The War in the North

Yom Rishon


3 Sivan 5784

June 9 2024




A Tribute to Commander Arnon Zamora

Commander Arnon Zamora of the elite Yaman counter-terrorism unit. May his heroic memory be for a blessing.

Commander Arnon Zamora of the elite Yaman counter-terrorism unit. May his heroic memory be for a blessing.

Arnon Zamora was buried today at 4 pm on Mt. Herzl in a ceremony befitting the hero that he was.

Michal, his widow, posted these simple words: “Everything is now filled with the image of my husband, the hero Arnon Zamora. But long before he was a warrior and hero he was a sweet man. An amazing partner, and a perfect father. A loving and beloved man. That’s how we’ll remember him, and I’d love for you to also.”

The Quote of the Day

“The United States is very important to me, but not at the cost of the security of the State of Israel.” 

PM Netanyahu speaking to bereaved families at the “Heroism Forum” today

Say what you want to about PM Netanyahu, he is the only Israeli political leader with the gumption to stand up to President Biden and his fellow Bidenites.

Tonight, we have just had the spectacle of Benny Gantz resigning from the Emergency Government.

Can you even begin to imagine what the situation would be now if Gantz and his fellow Bidenites Eisenkot, Lapid, Bennett, and others had been running the government?

Israel would have kowtowed to every Biden command releasing released thousands of hard-core HamISIS murderers from prison for nothing more than corpses held by the terrorists. Victory parades would have already been held in Gaza with Sinwar and Haniyeh leading the way.

The Futility of Gantz’s Move

The obvious reason that Gantz has resigned is that he thinks that his resignation will topple the government. He believes that he has done his job to pull the Netanyahu Coalition so far to the “Left” that Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich will leave.

However, if that is what he thought would happen, he must have been severely disappointed by this statement from Ben Gvir’s Party Otzma Yehudit this afternoon:

“In light of what appears to be the rejection of the promiscuous deal by Hamas and the expected departure of Gantz from the government, Otzma Yehudit will continue to vote with the coalition as usual as long as there is no promiscuous deal on the table. We call to continue and increase the military pressure – which has been proven once again to be the only effective tool to return our abductees without surrender.”

As we have previously written, with Gantz and Eisenkot gone from the Emergency Government, what are we left with? 

The Coalition Government which is set to be in power until November 2026.

The HamISIS Statement This Evening

“We are not excited about the operation to rescue the kidnapped. The international pressure on Israel is increasing. We will dismantle the unity government, arouse the Israeli street and lead to elections. The elections will stop the war.”

Are HamISIS and the Israeli “left” working together? 

More on Former Hostage Noa Argamani

It turns out that Argamani was kept in an apartment in Nuseirat only about 3 km from where she was brutally taken hostage at the Nova Peace party on October 7.

If you remember the incredible video of a fighting Argamani being dragged off to Gaza, the 5 “people” dragging her across the field were “civilians”.  

And who were her captors in Gaza?

Two Palestinian Gazan “civilians”, Al-Jazeera “journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal and his father Dr. Ahmed Al-Jamal.

And who did HamISIS claim yesterday was guarding the 4 hostages that were rescued?


As we have often said here at OneIsrael, there are no “civilians” in Gaza.

From nursery school until death, the Palestinians in Gaza are part of the murderous HamISIS terror machine.

To repeat: the 4 hostages rescued yesterday were held in civilian homes, in a residential neighborhood, within a crowded market.

By the way, “journalist Abdullah Al-Jamal” was killed when he opened fire on our soldiers during Noa Argamini’s rescue.

Getting Our Terminology Straight

The four hostages were not “released”.

They were rescued.

On the Ground in the North

Hezbollah fired 2 anti-tank missiles and 10 missiles of other types into the Golan today setting off fires in all directions.

Elsewhere along the Lebanese border, Hezbollah fired more than 40 missiles and exploding drones at Kfar Szold, Shamir, Dafna, Gosherim, Kibbutz Dan, Shanir, Sde Nehemiah, Odem, Restaurant and Ein Kaniya.

On the Ground in the South

The battle in Rafah has broadened with the IDF entering the northern part of the city. Tank fire was reported in the Khirbat Addas neighborhood and bombings took place in the Sombah neighborhood.  IDF forces were observed near the Al-Abdallah and Al-Estal gas station in the Sabah neighborhood on the border with the Al-Khash neighborhood. There was artillery shelling on all North Rafah neighborhoods

As we reported, the IDF now occupies the entire length of the Philadelphia axis, including an advance north on the coast; one IDF force is operating in the western Tel al Sultan and Saudi neighborhoods; another force is advancing on Shavora after the IDF captured Camp Yavneh, and now it is the turn of North Rafah.

From the IDF spokesman:

“The forces of Division 98 continue fighting in eastern Deir al-Balah and eastern al-Bureij after participating in the operation to rescue the four abductees in the last day. During the operation, the forces eliminated many terrorists and destroyed terrorist infrastructures.

Fighter jets and aircraft of the Air Force provided aerial fire cover to the forces operating in the operation, and attacked many terrorist targets in the area, among them armed terrorists who posed a threat to our forces.

Fighters of Division 162 continue targeted combat based on intelligence information in the Rafah area. During the raids, the fighters located a number of additional tunnel shafts in the area, along with rocket launchers and other means of warfare.

During the operation of the forces of the 99th Division in the center of the Gaza Strip, a terrorist squad that fired on our forces was eliminated in an aircraft attack.

In the last day, several rockets were launched from the area of the Islamic University in the south of Gaza City towards the IDF forces operating in the area of the corridor in the center of the Gaza Strip; there were no casualties. Closing a circle from the air, aircraft attacked the launcher that carried out the launches and destroyed it.

Fighter jets and aircraft of the Air Force attacked many terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip during the last day. In one of the attacks, an Air Force aircraft attacked under the direction of the 215th Fire Brigade and eliminated a commander in the tactical level from the GAP terrorist organization.”

And so it goes until our next update . . .

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