The Gaza War Day 248, The War in the North

Yom Shleeshee


5 Sivan 5784

June 11 2024



May Their Memories Be For A Blessing

L-R: Maj. Tal Shaulov, Sgt. Eitan Karlsbrun, Sgt. Almog Shalom, Sgt. Yair Levin.

L-R: Maj. Tal Shaulov (24 from Gedera), Sgt. Eitan Karlsbrun (20 from Modi’in), Sgt. Almog Shalom (19 from Kibbutz Hamadia), Sgt. Yair Levin (19 from Givat Harel).

All 4 solders were members of the Givati Brigade and were killed when they entered a booby-trapped house in Rafah which was remotely detonated.

How many of our brave soldiers have died from entering booby-trapped houses? 

On the Ground in the North

The IDF Spokesman:

“Following the alerts that were activated in the north of the country a short time ago, about 50 launches were detected that crossed the territory of Lebanon to the area of the central Golan Heights. The air defense fighters intercepted several launches, the rest fell in an open area, there were no casualties . . .

During the night, Air Force fighter jets attacked a military compound of Unit 4400, the logistical reinforcement unit of Hezbollah, which serves as a factor in transporting weapons to and within Lebanon. In the complex, two centers located in Baalbek in deep Lebanon were attacked. In addition, terrorist targets were attacked in the Itatron area in southern Lebanon, including a military site and two military buildings belonging to Hezbollah.” 

Biden Continues on the Rampage

*The new scuttlebutt is that President Biden plans to forge ahead with his own negotiations with HamISIS to gain the release of the 5 Americans still held hostage. If these reports are true, Biden’s actions mark a new moral low in Washington. What makes the American hostages more important than the Israeli children, women, and men still held by the terrorists?

*The Americans rammed through another resolution in the Security Council yesterday which essentially adopts Biden’s 3-phase plan for ending the war. Israel has already rejected the plan because it calls for a ceasefire without the release of all hostages.

*Secretary of State Blinken arrived in Israel two days ago. This morning he was at the podium promising to provide the “poor Gazans” $400,000,000 million more dollars in “humanitarian aid.” Since everyone knows where this money goes—straight into HamISIS coffers–it begs the question of “Why is Biden supporting HamISIS?”

Happy Shavuot!

All holidays these days in Israel are muted, and Shavuot that begins at sundown tonight is no exception.  

Shavuot is important for many reasons, not the least of which is that it is the day on which the Jews were given the Ten Commandments.

Chabad issued this statement today:

Tonight and tomorrow we will celebrate the holiday of Shavuot. It is the holiday of giving the Torah, and over a thousand Chabad emissaries spread throughout Israel are preparing to hold mass Ten Commandments reading events combined with a prayer for the peace of the soldiers and the release of the hostages . . . 

The Ten Commandments are the oldest and most sacred text that has accompanied the people of Israel for thousands of years and is a compass of morality, especially in these days, when the world seems to have forgotten what is expected of it and what is the correct morality.

This Shavuot is happening at a time when so many of us such as the abductees in Gaza, the heroic soldiers fighting on the front lines, and the hundreds of wounded in the rehabilitation wards cannot celebrate with their loved ones.

That is why when our families gather on Shavuot–parents, sons, daughters and even babies–they should hear the Ten Commandments and pray for the safety of the soldiers and the quick and immediate release of all the abductees.”

Well said, and we encourage all of our dear readers to follow Chabad’s advice.

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