Yom Reva’ee


6 Sivan 5784

June 12 2024


The Absolutely Pathetic Quote of the Day

“It’s good to have the answer from Hamas, we are looking into it.”  

John Kirby, White House National Security Spokesman responding to “news” that HamISIS has responded to President Biden’s egregious “peace proposal”.


A kindergartner could tell the idiots in the White House that there is nothing to look into.

The HamISIS position has not changed one iota since October 7. The terrorists want an immediate ceasefire, the withdrawal of all IDF troops from Gaza, a massive increase in “humanitarian” aid that it can steal, a massive reconstruction effort in Gaza from which it can steal supplies for more tunnels,  and the return of all Gazan residents to their homes.

That’s it.

HamISIS senior spokesman Osama Hamdan underscored the point this morning:

“Our basic answer is our commitment to what we committed to in the past – a ceasefire and withdrawal from Gaza.”


On the Ground in the North

It has been a day of massive Hezbollah missile fire at northern Israel all the way down to Tiberias on the Kineret (Sea of Galilee).

More than 200 missiles have been fired as of this hour in barrage after barrage:

One particularly heavy series of barrages earlier today.

One particularly heavy series of barrages earlier today.

There have been incoming missile sirens all day long. 12 missile intercepts near the Lebanon border a few hours ago:


Most of the missiles fired by Hezbollah today have hit open spaces–causing huge fires:

Fires are currently burning in forests at:

Fires are currently burning in forests at: Ein Zetim, Kadita, Meron, and Kahal.

Roads are closed to traffic with 21 fire and rescue teams along with 8 firefighting planes working to extinguish the above fires. Other fires are burning at Amiad, Tzfat, and Beit Jan.

*Last night, the IAF has attacked multiple targets in Lebanon including a major attack with precision missiles on a meeting of 4 senior Hezbollah leaders in Joya east of Tyre. All of the Hezbollah leaders were killed, most notably the commander of the Nasr unit in Hezbollah, Abu Taleb (Talab Abdullah). The Nasr unit in Hezbollah is responsible for the organization’s military activity south of Litani River.

Abu Taleb was the most senior Hezbollah commander that the IDF has eliminated since 2006.

On the Ground in Gaza

The IDF continues to expand its operations in Rafah with an entrance into western Rafah:

west rafah

The red area is western Rafah. The obvious strategy is now to work in a pincer movement from the west to meet IDF forces already in eastern Rafah. Since the IDF now controls the Philadelphi Corridor to the left in this photo, the idea is to trap the remaining HamISIS terrorists in the city.


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