The Gaza War Day 250, The War in the North

Yom Chamishee


7 Sivan 5784

June 13 2024

The Heartbreaking Photo of the Day

A daughter who will never know her father.

The newest member of the Shani family.

On January 30 of this year, Capt. (res) Gavriel Shani from Yakir in Samaria was killed in action in Gaza. Yesterday, just over 4 months later, his wife gave birth to the couple’s third childwho will never know her father.

The Egregious Quote of the Morning

Now that the abominable Benny Gantz has thankfully left the emergency government and no longer sits in the War Cabinet, he is making the rounds to every Israeli television program he can find.

This morning, he made this absurd statement to Channel 13 news:

“I am in favor of ending the war for one or two years in return for the release of the hostages.”

End the war for one or two years? And what does the idiotic Gantz think will happen at the end of that time? 

What would happen would be the next war with HamISIS.

Gantz thinks nothing about the sacrifice already made by our soldiers to destroy HamISIS.

Three Unbelievable Photos from the Northern Border

Just when you think you have seen everything:

Take a good look at the weapon the IDF soldier is using: a bow and arrow.

Take a good look at the weapon the IDF soldier is using: a bow and arrow.


But wait . . . the same group of reserve soldiers have resorted to more ancient forms of warfare:

The earliest form of artillery? a catapult.

The earliest form of artillery? a catapult.

Ancient but effective:

The IDF is using the catapult to launch fireballs over the fence.

The IDF is using the catapult to launch fireballs over the fence.

What’s going on? Apparently the idea is for the arrows and fireballs to start fires on the Lebanese side of the fence so that hiding places for terrorists in the brush will be burned away.

On the Ground in Gaza

From the IDF Spokesman:

“Fighters of Division 162 continue to operate in the Rafah area. In the last day, the forces continued their raids in the area and found weapons; the fighters of the Givati Brigade’s combat team eliminated several terrorists in face-to-face encounters.
Forces of the Egoz unit identified and attacked an armed terrorist using a drone, and then an Air Force aircraft attacked the building where the terrorist was operating.

The forces of Division 99 continue to operate in the center of Gaza and in the last day have eliminated over ten terrorists, among them a terrorist who participated in the raid against the surrounding settlements on October 7.

During the last day, aircraft and fighter jets of the Air Force attacked and destroyed about 45 terrorist targets throughout Gaza. Among the targets that were attacked, military buildings, armed terrorist squads, rocket launchers, tunnel shafts and other terrorist infrastructures.

Yesterday (Wednesday), fighter jets, in cooperation with the Southern Command, attacked a launch site in the Rafah area where rockets are ready to be launched towards the surrounding area.”

On the Ground in the North

It has been yet another day of massive missile fire from Hezbollah with over 100 launches from southern Lebanon–equally divided between launches toward the Golan and launches toward the Galilee:

Missiles have repeatedly targeted the area from Mt. Hermon down to Kiryat Shmona all day.

Missiles have repeatedly targeted the area from Mt. Hermon down to Kiryat Shmona all day.

And towards the Galilee:

No respite for these communities.

No respite for these communities.



Click here to see a “belt of fire” around Katzrin caused by Hezbollah missiles today.

Once again, the missiles are primarily hitting open spaces and causing huge fires:

This fire from last night was at Kfar

This fire from last night was at Kfar Nahaf.

As of three hours ago, firefighters report that there are 15 “hotspots” in the Golan and Upper Galilee. Firefighters are doing their best to control the blazes despite being constantly fired at from across the border.


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