The Gaza War Day 251, The War in the North

Yom Shishee


8 Sivan 5784

June 14 2024




The Quote of the Day

“I inherited an Israeli Gaza from my father, and I passed on a Hamas Gaza to my children. My grandson ran to fight the terrorists we allowed to come to power in Gaza. Our grandchildren are cleaning up the mess we created. They are cleaning it with their blood.”

Political leader Moshe Feiglin commenting on the death of his grandson Yair in fighting in Gaza.

On the Ground in Gaza

The IDF has now “cleared” 40% of Rafah. In the last 5 days our soldiers have captured the Yabna neighborhood and encircled the southern part of the Shaboura neighborhood.

On the Ground in the North

*As of this hour, more than 50 Hezbollah missiles and drones have attacked northern Israel today with numerous direct hits on homes and buildings in such places as Kiryat Shmona and Margaliot.

*One day following its targeted assassination of Hezbollah senior leader Taleb Abdullah in Tzur, the IAF attacked these locations in south Lebanon: Kfar Kila, AlKhayam, Shaba, El Adeisa, Al Harb, Marqaba, Khula, and Mays al-Jabal.

*Some 45 thousand dunams (more than 11,000 acres) of our northern forests have gone up in flames since the beginning of June following the rocket fire from Lebanese territory.

More on the Lebanon Front

It appears that the U.S. has offered to help Lebanon with its offshore oil and natural gas exploration if Hezbollah will adhere to a ceasefire.

This is the same U.S. that arm-twisted the craven then-PM Yair Lapid into the wholesale giveaway of Israeli maritime territory to Lebanon.

Once again, it is worth remembering that it was the pusillanimous duo of Lapid and Benny Gantz who told us that the maritime giveaway was a good deal because it would mean the end of Hezbollah aggression against Israel. 

At the time, your humble servant here at OneIsrael wrote that this was utterly absurd; unfortunately, events have proven us correct.

Speaking of the Egregious Biden Administration

The Biden Administration announced this morning that it is imposing sanctions on the “Order 9” organization that has worked hard to block “humanitarian aid” trucks from reaching Gaza.

Order 9 has just issued this eloquent statement:

“The choice of the Biden administration to impose sanctions on a movement in which family members of abductees who chose to stop aid to the enemy in time of war is a difficult and shocking decision, and is a fatal blow to families, to Israeli democracy and to the concept of global freedom, which the United States has carried its flag since its founding.

As published in many documents, the aid transferred went directly to the terrorist organization Hamas, which massacred, murdered and raped hundreds of women, elderly and children.

Just as the American administration did not think of transferring aid to the heads of the Nazi and Japanese governments during World War II, so we also did not stand by, and stood upright in a democratic and non-violent protest that included only obstruction and protest, without any damage to property or people, against the direct transfer of aid to Hamas.

Israel deserves the duty and the right to win. We remind Blinken of his words in the War Cabinet on October 17 and request that he act accordingly – ‘If Hamas in any way blocks humanitarian aid from reaching civilians, including by seizing the aid itself, we will be the first to condemn it and work to prevent its recurrence.’ Even today we will gladly forward to our great friend videos taken this morning, in which Hamas militants are seen on the trucks.”

Until the next update, we wish our soldiers and you dear readers:




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