The Gaza War Day 255, The War in the North

Yom Shleeshee


12 Sivan 5784

June 18 2024


The Photos (and Joke) of the Day





At the Rafah Crossing

What you are looking at are before and after photos of the exit hall at the Rafah Crossing–where hundreds if not thousands of HamISIS terrorists have passed through. One of the chief objectives of the IDF in Rafah was to destroy the hall which as you can see, it did.

The joke this morning was this declaration from HamISIS: “The burning of the exit hall at the Rafah crossing by the occupation army is a war crime.”

Who is HamISIS to talk about war crimes?

The Quote of the Day

“The evidence provided by international organizations and local bodies regarding the state of hunger and starvation in the Gaza Strip was found to be unreliable and unsupported.”

The United Nations Central Committee for Research on Nutrition and Food Security in a document issued a week ago.

As if we didn’t know.

By the way, who knows how much smuggling is going on amidst all of the “humanitarian” food aid being transported into Gaza. Guess what was discovered yesterday?

Cigarettes inside of watermelons (photo source on photo).

Cigarettes inside of watermelons (photo source on photo).

UPDATE 10:00 AM Israel time

On the Ground in Gaza

It didn’t take long.

We arrived back in Ashdod yesterday morning and within hours we heard/felt the booms in Gaza. These booms resounded throughout the night, but have decreased somewhat this morning.

What we heard were undoubtedly IDF forces advancing towards the center of Rafah accompanied by heavy shelling into the northern areas of the city.

*Overall, the IDF is reporting that half of HamISIS’s brigades in Rafah have been dismantled and hundreds of terrorists have been eliminated– and that the the IDF will gain control over the city in two weeks. It is further reported our forces are encountering more sophisticated booby-trapped tunnels equipped with cameras so as to better ambush our soldiers.

*There have already been two missile attacks from Gaza against border communities this morning: Sufa (2:39 am), and Kerem Shalom 20 minutes ago (9:40 am).

On the Ground in the North

With the Eid Al-Adha holiday it has been relatively quiet on the northern border. The IAF eliminated several Hezbollah officers yesterday in separate attacks. 

Israel issued a demand to the abominable Biden emissary Amos Hochstein yesterday that Hezbollah must withdraw to north of the Litani River in order to avoid war. Hezbollah promptly responded that the only way to avoid war is for Israel to withdraw completely from Gaza, and that it would never reposition north of the Litani.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

The IDF released this data on the war in Judea and Samaria this morning. Since October 7th, 500 terrorists have been eliminated–310 of these were in northern Samaria.

Last night and this morning IDF troops have been operating in Hamba south of Qalqilya, Bartea which is west of Jenin, and in Shechem (Nablus).

Netanyahu Disbands the War Cabinet

As you know, the “War Cabinet” was only created as a sop to Benny Gantz for entering the Emergency Government. Now that Gantz is gone, Netanyahu has disbanded it.

Essentially, some day to day war decisions that were being made by the Cabinet will now be shifted an ad hoc committee that will be created or to the Security Cabinet as a whole.

By disbanding the War Cabinet, Netanyahu is able to avoid the demands of Minister of National Security Ben Gvir and Minister of Finance Smotrich to join it (their joining would further exacerbate the wrath of the Bidenites). 

About Ben Gvir and Smotrich

Ben Gvir and Smotrich are looked upon as radical extremists by the Israeli “left”, the Biden Administration, and other leftist international politicians around the world because of their rational approach to the Palestinians. 

By rational approach, I mean that Ben Gvir and Smotrich believe that the Palestinians–meaning HamISIS and the PLO–cannot be trusted and should not be granted any concessions. They also believe that Judea and Samaria are Israel’s ancestral homeland, and at the very least Area C of Judea and Samaria should immediately be populated with new Jewish communities. 

Radical extremists? Ben Gvir and Smotrich and we here at OneIsrael are in complete agreement on these points. They are neither radical nor extreme.

What’s more, your humble servant believes that PM Netanyahu also has the same beliefs–though be believes that renewed construction of Jewish communities in Area C should take place over time and not immediately.

Even more–and this seems to be completely unrecognized by the internationalists, Ben Gvir and Smotrich are the glue that holds the government Coalition together inasmuch as they serve as a kind of bridge between Likud and the orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties. 

Simply put, no Gvir and no Smotrich = no Netanyahu government.

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