The Gaza War Day 257, The War in the North

Yom Chamishee


14 Sivan 5784

June 20 2024


UPDATE 7:00 AM Israel Time

The Photo of the Day


The largest flag in Israel measuring 56 x 39 ft (17 x 12 m) was unfurled yesterday in Netiv Ha’Asara at the point where Palestinian HamISIS terrorists penetrated the community on October 7 and slaughtered 20 of its members. To further remember those 20, twenty olive trees were planted around the flag.

As a side note, your humble servant has visited Netiv HaAsara–the closest community to the Gaza border–many times and has been at this spot. I am looking forward to visiting again next week.

The Netanyahu Video

In case you missed it, PM Netanyahu posted a video two days ago in which he blasted the Biden Administration for withholding weapons and ammunition from Israel.

Of course, the “Left” here in Israel spent yesterday roundly criticizing Netanyahu for criticizing Biden while claiming that there is no shortage of weaponry for use in Gaza.

Meanwhile, the White House PR machine was operating in full concert with the Israeli “Left” claiming that no such withholding is taking place. Shortly afterward, the Bidenites rushed to save face by saying that they are now working with Raytheon to produced Coyote Interceptors for the IDF to use in taking out incoming Hezbollah suicide drones.

The White House and Israeli “Left” notwithstanding, we have this statement today from senior, unnamed IDF commanders which completely corroborates what Netanyahu said: “Due to delays in U.S. armament shipments, we are in ‘ammunition conservation’ mode in Gaza so we can have enough for the northern front.”

The Egregious Statement of the Day

Since October 7, IDF Spokesman and Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari has become one of the most trusted voices in Israel. His updates on the war which are televised each night are eagerly awaited and listened to by Israelis.

Yesterday, however, Hagari completely overstepped his bounds. In an interview, Hagari accused the government of “throwing sand in the eyes of the public” by saying that one of our goals is to eliminate Hamas. Hagari said that would never happen because Hamas is more of an idea than a terror group.

As you can imagine, senior HamISIS officials were quick to pounce on Hagari’s statement as an indication that HamISIS is winning the war. HamISIS spokesman Razi Hamed proclaimed: “Hagari’s statements are a significant admission and evidence of the failure of the occupation in the war in Gaza.”

Israel Minister of Communications Shlomo Karai spoke for many this morning when he sharply criticized Hagari: “The words of the IDF spokesman this evening are only a sign of the lax commanding spirit of the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense. We have superhero warriors and a security leadership that doesn’t deserve them. Instead of thinking that he is still Gantz’s and Eisenkot’s spokesman, the IDF spokesman should concentrate on strengthening our fighters. Unable to win? Turn our fighters loose and let them win!

On the Ground in Gaza

The fighters of the Alexandroni Brigade have been busy all night and early this morning cleaning the “Wicker Axis”.  Here in Ashdod, we began hearing explosions at 3 am this morning–and have been feeling intermittent explosions since then.

On the Ground in the North

*Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah delivered a particularly incendiary speech from his bunker in Beirut last night in which he claimed that Hezbollah had turned down an Iranian offer to provide thousands of soldiers to fight against Israel because the terror group already has 100,000 soldiers ready to attack.

Nasrallah went on to single out Cyprus–saying that if the Cypriots get involved in a war on the side of Israel. Hezbollah will attack Cyprus.

*The IAF hit numerous Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

An Israeli drone bombed east of Tulkarm at 1:59 am this morning. Two terrorists were reportedly killed.

 A List of terrorist Missile and Drone Attacks

During 16 Hours Yesterday By Time of Attack

To give you a flavor of the nonstop wars being waged against Israel’s existence, here is list of the attacks during sixteen hours yesterday:

6:10 am: a HamISIS drone attack on Holit, Sufa, and Nir Yitzhak

7:34 am: a Hezbollah drone attack on Margaliot, Tel Hai, Kfar Giladi, Ma’ayan Baruch, Beit Hillel, Misgav Am, Kfar Yuval, Kiryat Shmona, Metulla, Manara.

7:58 am: a Hezbollah drone attack on Beit Hillel, Kfar Giladi, Metulla, Manara, Ma’ayan Baruch, Margaliot, Misgav Am, Kiryart Shmona, Tel Hai

9:28 am: a Hezbollah missile attack on Betzet and Shlomi

10:32 am: a HamISIS missile attack on Kerem Shalom

11:10 am: a HamISIS missile and mortar attack on Nahal Oz

1:56 pm: a HamISIS missile attack on Kerem Shalom

2:05 pm: a Hezbollah missile attack on Tel Hai, Kiryat Shmona, Kfat Giladi, Misgav Am

2:30 pm: a Hezbollah missile attack on Kiryat Shmona and Margaliot

4:04 pm: a Hezbollah missile attack on Shlomi

4:51 pm: a HamISIS missile was fired at Netiv Ha’Asara

9:00 pm: a HamISIS missile was fired at Alumim

10:38 pm: a HamISIS missile was fired at Kerem Shalom

And so it goes here in Israel with one attack after another targeting our children, women, and men.

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