The Gaza War Day 262, The War in the North

Yom Shleeshee


19 Sivan 5784

June 25 2024


May His Memory Be For A Blessing

Sgt. Maj.

Sgt. Maj. Mohammed El Atrash

The IDF has determined that 39-year-old Sgt. Maj. Mohammed El Atrash, veteran Bedouin tracker from Sa’awa in the Negev, was killed by Palestinian terrorists on October 7 and his body taken to Gaza. Sgt. Maj. El Atrash was the father of 13 children.

The Quote of the Day

 “The fact is that the IDF does not understand that without control of Gaza there is no victory. . . ”    

MK Amit Halevi of the Likud Party speaking on Israeli TV yesterday.

Halevi’s correct comments come amidst reports that the IDF is on the verge of ending major combat operations in Rafah and withdrawing from the city–replicating the same process that the IDF has followed in every major city throughout Gaza. It also comes amidst reports that HamISIS is already regrouping in Khan Younis and elsewhere and recruiting new terrorists to join its ranks. 

Photos of the Day

The humanitarian idiots in the U.S., Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere continue parachuting “humanitarian aid” drops into Gaza–and killing Palestinians with each drop when the pallets fall on people and tents. From yesterday:

In this photo, you see the pallet landing on a tent.

In this photo, you see the pallet landing on a tent.

The next photo:

Note the pallet crushing the top of the tent.

Note the pallet crushing the top of the tent. An estimated 7 people–mainly women and children–died in the tent.


The View From Here in Ashdod

It has been a relatively quiet evening and morning. Aside from one burst of screaming planes going overhead at about 4 am, air activity has been subdued and there has been no cannon fire from Israel Naval Forces.

The amazing fact about Israel is that every time you walk out the door, you never know what you will encounter. Yesterday morning’s walk was interrupted by a fire-hot red-tipped missile launched from somewhere north of here which zoomed over our heads before disintegrating stage by stage over the Mediterranean:


There was no advance warning about what this was; however, we later learned that it was a test of a new rocket propulsion system.

On the Ground in Gaza

*The IDF Spokesman reports that three targets were attacked by the IAF (the Abd al-Fatah Hamoud school in the Eldarj area, the Asma school in the Alshati refugee camp and the house of the Alzmili family in the Alshaja’a neighborhood). In total, 13 terrorists were killed and a number of others were wounded.

*As noted above, the fighting in Rafah seems to be drawing to a close–for now. Below you can get a sense of what the IDF has accomplished in the last month and a half:

Southern Rafah along the Philadelphia axis on the Egyptian border; top photo two months ago; bottom photo this morning (photo source on photo).

Southern Rafah along the Philadelphia axis on the Egyptian border; top photo six weeks ago; bottom photo yesterday (photo source on photo).

On the Ground in the North

*Two anti-tank missiles fired at Kibbutz Manara hit a building. No casualties were reported. In response the IDF attacked Hezbollah facilities in southern Lebanon.

*There continue to be reports that an Israeli strike on Hezbollah is imminent.

The Psychotic “Left” Goes Completely Crazy

Shikma Bresler--one of the rabid anti-Netanyahu "activists" on one of her rants before an approving crowd.

Shikma Bresler–one of the rabid anti-Netanyahu “activists” on one of her rants this week before a cheering crowd.

The already unhinged “Left” in Israel has gone utterly insane. Viciously vitriolic speakers now mount the podium in demonstrations on a nightly basis. A sampling of their rhetoric from the last 24 hours:

Netanyahu is a traitor.

Netanyahu is Satan.

Netanyahu is a liar.

Netanyahu is a criminal.

Netanyahu is an enemy of the people.

Netanyahu, you’re guilty.

With signage such as:

“Because of you we are dying, get out of our lives (with a photo of Netanyahu with bloody hands).”

Even more, virtually every demonstration these days features rants against Sara Netanyahu and Yair Netanyahu. No family member is off limits to the anti-Bibi mob. The recent theme to the attacks against PM Netanyahu and his family has been “the day is coming when there will be nothing left of you.”

Yesterday, Likud Ombudsman Avi Halevi filed a complaint with the Attorney General in which he pointed out that there is “a clear and immediate danger to the physical safety of PM Netanyahu and his family.” He demanded that the police open an investigation into several of the protest leaders for “incitement to murder.”

And so it goes this morning in Israel . . .

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