The Gaza War Day 264, The War in the North

Yom Chamishee


21 Sivan 5784

June 27 2024


The Photo of the Night

An exploding drone over Eilat last night. Fortunately, it exploded in the sea.

An exploding drone over Eilat last night. Fortunately, it exploded in the sea.


The View from Ashdod

Naval cannon fire boomed through the quiet early this morning as our naval forces support ground troops in Gaza. You may remember the photo I posted two days ago of the experimental missile that zoomed over our heads as we walked near the house:

screamerThere is more news about this today. According to a Russian website, that missile actually splashed down off the coast of Malta:

Note the photo in the lower left (the same angle that we had).

Note the photo in the lower left (almost the same angle that we had). Russian source on photo.

What is significant about this launch is that the distance from where the missile was fired in central Israel to the splashdown off the coast of Malta is practically the same as from Israel to Tehran.

On the Ground in Gaza

What has become clear is that we are entering the next stage of the war which was described by Defense Minister Gallant back in October. At that time, he said that we would reach a point where “major Divisional movements would be reduced and be replaced by targeted raids on terrorist cells”.

*The IDF Spokesman:

“The IDF attacked overnight in Jabaliya in northern Gaza; dozens of terrorists were eliminated. Division 99 today continued the work of expanding the ‘corridor’ by destroying terrorist infrastructure in the area; forces of Division 162 today blew up more than ten buildings in Rafah that were used by the terrorist organization Hamas.”

*IDF forces raided an area near the Abu Shanab mosque in eastern Khan Younis.

*The IAF hit HamISIS targets in Gaza City, Beit Lahia, west of Rafah, and Abbasan.

The following blurry photo is from a tank attack on a booby-trapped house in Rafah.

As you may be able to discern, the tank shell ignited a huge explosion which blew up most of the street–an explosion that was meant for our soldiers.

The tank was located to the right of the photo.

The tank was located to the right of the photo.

*According to the IDF, 16% of the permanent HamISIS buildings in Gaza have been destroyed since the Gaza operation began on October 27 last year. This may seem like a small number until you consider that 16% = 35,952 buildings.

In addition, 36% of the temporary buildings (apartments, camps, sheds, agricultural facilities) in HamISIS Gaza have been destroyed–(36% = 84,276).

In short, the IDF and IAF have accomplished a herculean task with amazing efficiency. 

                                               On the Ground in the North

Following the massive fires caused by Hezbollah missiles exploding in northern Israel, we now have IAF strikes setting fires throughout southern Lebanon. This photo is from Bint Jbeil yesterday:

Bin Jbil

The IDF Spokesman:

“IAF fighter jets struck a Hezbollah military structure and observation post, alongside additional terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Kfarchouba, Ayta ash Shab, and Khiam in southern Lebanon. Additionally, IDF artillery struck in the areas of Kfarchouba, Chebaa, Kfarhamam and Matmoura in southern Lebanon. The IAF pounded hit Hezbollah assets in the Meshach neighborhood of Nabatiya and Kfar Kila.”

*A disastrous statistic: 40% of the homes in Metulla have been hit by Hezbollah missiles since Hezbollah entered the war.

The Farce of the Day


MSF= Medecins Sans Frontiers

MSF operations manager in Gaza Caroline Sequin presents an “abhorrent ” tale of a medical colleague who was killed while riding his bicycle to help wounded Gazan “civilians”.

But in fact “poor, innocent, and uninvolved” Fadi Al-Wadiya was the main missile coordinator of Islamic Jihad as the two photos on the lower right attest.

The bottom line is that you cannot believe anything spoken or written by so-called “humanitarian” groups in Gaza. They are nothing but shills for terror groups like Islamic Jihad and HamISIS.

Thanks to Amir Tsarfati for the above article.

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