The Gaza War Day 266, The War in the North

Yom Shabbat


23 Sivan 5784

June 29 2024



Photos of the Day

A photo yesterday of another burned forest in the north along the Lebanese border.

A photo yesterday of another burned forest in the north along the Lebanese border–this one burned by explosive Hezbollah drones.

Firefighters yesterday in the Galilee battling another blaze caused by Hezbollah missile fire:

Massive fires everyday overwhelm our firefighters.

Massive fires everyday overwhelm our firefighters.

Basically there are only 27 fire engines available to cover fires in the Galilee and on the northern border. So far, twice as many dumans have burned than burned during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 or in the Carmel Fire disaster in 2010.

On the Ground in the North

According to the IDF spokesman,  “in recent hours, warplanes have attacked a military infrastructure used by the air force of the terrorist organization Hezbollah in the Jabal Safi area north of Nabatia.”  

A later report suggests that more Hezbollah terrorists were killed in the attack on Nabatia than in any other attack in the war so far.

Meanwhile, the communities on the northern border with Lebanon were battered again yesterday. 

Missile attacks from Hezbollah struck:

Zarit, Arab Al-Aramshe, Shomera (o9:26)

Zarit, Arab Al-Aramshe, Shomera (09:34)

Kfar Blum, Amif (14:21)

Idmit (19;40)

Beit Hillel, Kiryat Shmona, HaGoshrim, Ma’ayan Baruch (20:00)

Explosive “suicide” drones from Hezbollah targeted:

Malkia, Dishon (17:52)

Betzet, Shlomi, Achziv, Lehman, Gesher HaZiv, Nahariya, Sa’ar, Evron, Ben Ami, Mazta’a (19:36)

Hanita, Shlomi, Ga’aton, Betzet, Metzuba, Avdon, Neveh Ziv, Cabri, Ein Yakov, Yechiam, Klil, Sheikh Danun, Amka, Oshrat, Abu Snan (19:42)

On the Ground in Gaza

The combined attack on Shujaiyeh and Rafah continues with combat helicopters, artillery, ground forces, and drones.

IDF forces raided the area behind the Emirati Hospital in Rafah.

IDF excavators were busy yesterday exhuming bodies from the Tuanisi Cemetery of Baghdad Street in Shujaiyeh.

The IAF struck terrorist hideouts in Mu’azi and Gaza City.

Egyptian Military Movements

Amidst reports that Egypt may be one of the countries willing to oversee Gaza after the war “ends”, the Egyptian army has positioned a large contingent of forces in Egyptian Rafah including 160 tanks and APCs, 140 jeeps with anti-aircraft guns, and dozens of self-propelled guns.

The Absurd Rehabilitation of the PLO, Again

Shades of what happened at the outset of the Oslo Accords in 1993-4, Israel has seemingly embarked on a campaign to rehabilitate the PLO as part of our planning for what is going to happen in Gaza on the day after the war ends.

Before we proceed, we should remember that the PLO brags about how its terrorists participated in the massacres on October 7th. Specifically, terrorists from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – the military arm of the Fatah movement headed by PLO Chairman Abu Mazen (aka Mahmoud Abbas) crow about how they murdered Israelis.

Their terror has not abated. Throughout Judea and Samaria, the same PLO terrorists have proudly carried out numerous terror attacks on Israelis since October 7. Just yesterday, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade published a notice of how one of its terrorists, Ma’awiya Mwafek Dara’ma, died of his wounds suffered when an explosive device he planned to throw at our soldiers blew up in his hands. 

Also yesterday, a contingent of the same terrorists came to Qalqilya came to the mourning tent of some of their terrorists killed there last week.

But remarkably, the IDF, in the form of IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari, is suddenly refusing to ascribe any of these incidents to the PLOinstead saying that the terrorists are members of Islamic Jihad or Hamas.

As you may remember, in yesterday’s blog we discussed some of the sanctions that Finance Minister and Deputy Defense Minister Smotrich is trying to implement against the PLO terrorists.

This morning we have the nauseating report that “the head of the Shin Bet and other senior officials in the security systems oppose the sanctions imposed on the PLO” because “the harm to Israel is greater than the benefit.” 

In short, as aforestated, we are back to the absurdly dangerous “conception” we had about the PLO decades ago–portraying the PLO as the “good guys” and Hamas and Islamic Jihad as “the bad guys.”

It is simply unbelievable that we have learned nothing over the years.

We here at OneIsrael wish our soldiers and you dear readers:



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