The Gaza War, Days 284-285, The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee-Chamishee


11-12 Tammuz 5784

July 17-18 2024




The Quote of the Day

“All of you 7 million Palestinians abroad, enough of the warming up. You have Jews everywhere and we must slaughter and kill every Jew in the world.”

Senior Hamas official Fathi Hammad 

This declaration from HamISIS needs no comment except to say this has always been the mission of the PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and all other Palestinian factions.

The Social Post of the Day

Landed in your humble servant's FB this morning from Christian supporters of Israel in the U.S.

This landed in your humble servant’s FB this morning from Christian supporters of Israel in the U.S.

Missile Fire Targeting Northern And Southern Israel Tuesday

13:06 Gaza Border: Sderot, Ibim, Nir Am, Gavim, Sapir

15:48 Gaza Border: Shlomit

19:02 Northern Border: Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Manara, Margaliot, Kiryat Shmona, Tel Hai, Metulla, Maayan Baruch

19:23 Northern Border: Kiryat Shmona

19:54 Northern Border: Beit Hillel, Kiryat Shmona, HaGoshrim, Tel Hai, Kfar Giladi, Kfar Yuval, Maayan Baruch, Misgav Am

22:23 Northern Border: Ya’ara, Cabri, Idmit, Avdon, Neveh Ziv, Arab Al-Aramshe

Missile Fire Targeting Northern And Southern Israel Wednesday-Thursday

10:50 pm Gaza communities: Kerem Shalom

06:20 am Gaza communities: Nir Am

09:42 Gaza communities: Nir Am

09:56 Gaza communities: Nir Am

On the Ground in Gaza

*Major explosions continue emanating from Gaza each night, and especially this Thursday morning. One boom in particular must have been a bunker busting JDAM.

*The IDF in conjunction with Shin Bet have just announced ((Thursday morning) that they have eliminated the Naval Commander of Islamic Jihad who participated in the October 7 massacres. He was killed in Gaza City.

*The newest numbers from the IDF are disconcerting to say the least. According to the IDF, 14000 HamISIS terrorists have been killed or arrested.

By even the most conservative estimates, HamISIS had 30,000 operatives at the beginning of the war. Islamic Jihad had 10,000, and other Palestinian factions in Gaza had 5,000.

If all of these numbers are correct, it means that there are still 31,000 terrorists in Gaza.

On the Ground in the North

The IAF targeted several Hezbollah operatives on Wednesday, one in the Bekaa region of southern Lebanon, two more on a motorcycle at a different location.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

*According to the latest statistics, more than 4,400 terrorists have been captured throughout Judea and Samaria since the war began–1,850 of which belong to Hamas.

*Overnight, a Palestinian terrorist stabbed a soldier in the Binyamin Brigade in El Bira. He was evacuated in “moderate” condition to a hospital. The terrorist was killed.

*Palestinian terrorists opened fire on our troops in Shechem. Soldiers returned fire, but the terrorist escaped.

*Palestinian terrorists opened fire at the IDF position at the entrance to Dotan Hermesh, and again, escaped.

*Palestinian terrorists threw Molotovs and “rocks” at Israeli vehicles between Tapuach and Ozrin. There were no casualties.

*At 2:40 am an armed Palestinian terrorist was caught trying to infiltrate Talem in Mt. Hevron.

*Palestinian terrorists attacked a bus in the Hosan Bypass one half kilometer after the Al Khader Junction.

And so it goes this morning in Israel . . .

(3 more explosions from Gaza just rocked the house).

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