The Gaza War Day 341; The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee


9 Elul 5784

September 11 2024

BREAKING NEWS: 10:00 am Wednesday: Just reported: a Black Hawk helicopter on a mission to rescue a badly wounded soldier crashed around midnight last night at Rafah–apparently because of mechanical reasons or pilot error. 2 soldiers from Rescue Unit 669 were killed. 8 more soldiers were wounded: 4 seriously, and 4 moderately.

The Quote of the Day

“The thought that if Israel just makes one more concession and then the matter will be resolved – is simply not true. It is a grave mistake to tear the people apart for something that does not exist.”

Former Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar criticizing Opposition Leader Yair Lapid yesterday for his incessant attacks on the government–particularly as relates to the ceasefire/hostage release “deal”.  

Sa’ar is exactly correct. There is no deal on the table. Hamas has rejected every proposal. Even if Israel agreed to a total surrender and withdrawal of forces from Gaza, no hostages would be forthcoming for months if at all.

What some of the hostage families and their cohorts in the anti-Netanyahu movement are protesting for is an illusion.

On the Ground in Gaza

*Here in Ashdod it was a very noisy night from Gaza. Aside from IAF bombing of Hamas positions, the Navy has been blasting Khan Younis with cannon fire.

*Yesterday, the IDF eliminated the entire command of the Tel Sultan Battalion: its commander Mahmoud Hamedan, three company commanders, and dozens of other terrorists.

*It is now estimated that Hamas has pocketed nearly half a billion dollars from “humanitarian aid” donated to Gazans.

On the Ground in the North

*Hezbollah fired 9 barrages of missiles and drones into northern Israel yeserday targeting Zarit, Shomera, Eilon, Ya’ara, Avdon, Manot, Goren Farm, Neveh Ziv, Idmit, Arab al-Aramshe, Hanita, Sdeh Meron, Sassa. Ghajar, Iftach, Ramot Naftali, Dishon, Mevuot Hermon, Lev HaHula, Hatzor, Rosh Pinna, Amiad, Avivim, and Ayelet HaShachar.

Most troubling in the above attacks were the repeated strikes on Rosh Pinna and Hatzor because they indicate that Hezbollah is widening the scope of its attacks to extend further south down to the Kineret (Sea of Galilee).

*The IDF killed another commander of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan unit. Muhammad Kasem Al-Sha’er was hit by a missile while on his motorcycle.

On the Ground in Judea and Samaria

IDF forces operated in Tubas and Shechem overnight with the IAF attacking armed terror cells.

Five Observations From the Trump-Harris Debate Last Night

The debate began at 4 am here in Israel (amidst “booms” from Gaza) so pardon your humble servant if some of his observations are somewhat “sleepy.”

1. Overall, it seemed that Trump started strong; Harris carried the middle; and Trump rebounded at the end.

2. The ABC moderators seemed very biased in favor of Harris–failing to follow up any of her vague and sometimes false comments about the economy, abortion, Afghanistan and other issues.

3. Harris seemed better prepared than Trump with a host of talking points that she used to effect. Trump did not seem as focused as he has in previous debates over the years. Instead of repeatedly homing in on Harris’ weaknesses in such areas as illegal immigration, he resorted to a more scattered approach.

4. On the subject of Israel, both Trump and Harris came up short. Trump rightly called her to task for failing to attend Netanyahu’s congressional address, but repeated his recent mantra that if Harris is elected, Israel will not exist in two years. That of course is patently absurd. Harris claimed that she has always supported Israel, a claim that flies in the face of many statements she has made recently supportive of Palestinian demonstrations against Israel.

5. Of course we knew before the debate that the mainstream leftist media in the U.S. and elsewhere would declare Harris the victor no matter how well she performed in the debate–and so they have. In your humble servant’s opinion, it was a draw.

On that note, we end our blog for today–unless circumstances intervene.

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