The Gaza War Day 369; The War in the North

Yom Reva’ee


7 Tishrei 5785

October 9 2024


Hezbollah Missile Attacks Since 9:00 AM:

Kiryat Shmona going up in smoke this afternoon. One of many such scenes.

At least 150 missiles pummeled northern Israel and the Galilee again. I can’t tell you how disturbing it was to watch a live cam focused on Kiryat Shmona and see missiles exploding and sending up plumes of smoke all over the city. As we pointed out in our last update, a couple walking their dogs was killed by a missile.

By the way, in Kiryat Shmona, the missiles often hit before the incoming missile sirens go off.

11:21 Iftach, Mevuot Herom; 12:43 Avivim; 13:10 Haifa, Kiryat Biyalik, Kiryat Motzkin, Akko; 14:04 Kiryat Shmona, HaGoshrim, Beit Hillel; 14:16 Kiryat Shmona, Manara, Tel Hai [it was in this barrage that the couple in Kiryat Shmona was killed]; 15:13 Rosh HaNikra, Milouot, Lehman; 15:35 Alma, Tuba Zangariyye, Rosh Pinna, Elifelet; 16:04 Metulla, Misgav Am; 16:21 Metulla; 16:41 Tzfat, Baram, Meron, Hatzor HaGlilit, Nof HaKineret; 16:48 Betzet, Hanita, Rosh HaNikra, Ya’ara; 17:28 HaGoshrim, Sdeh Nechemia, Amir.

No Word, Yet

There is no word yet on what was discussed in the Netanyahu-Biden telephone conversation this afternoon except that it was about Israel’s response to the Iranian ballistic missile attack.

Whatever was discussed, you can be sure that the Bidenites will leak their version of the conversation to the media in the coming hours–especially if they can use the leak to thwart an Israeli attack.


Two murderous attacks in the last few hours:

An Israeli-Arab terrorist from Umm-al-Fahm went on stabbing spree in Hadera. 2 Israelis (50, 30) were critically wounded; four more seriously. There is no more news on the critically wounded at this hour. The terrorist who is from the Jabarin family of terrorists was captured but unfortunately not killed by civilians.

An as yet unnamed couple (judged to be in their 40s) went for a walk with their three dogs in Kiryat Shmona this afternoon. They were hit by a missile fired by Hezbollah and were killed almost instantaneously along with their dogs.


The View from Ashdod

When you consider the IDF’s achievements in the past year, you have to marvel at the capabilities of our army.

Just the scope of operations is difficult to comprehend. Try to wrap your mind around the idea that:

–we have essentially destroyed Hamas in Gaza and razed most of the Palestinian terror state at the same time.

–we have eliminated the leadership hierarchy of Hezbollah and destroyed a considerable portion of their assets in southern Lebanon, Dahiya in Beirut, and the Beqaa Valley in northern Lebanon.

–we carry out nightly attacks in Syria, hitting Hezbollah targets there as well as those of other Iranian proxy groups. Just last night we killed the Secretary General of Islamic Jihad Ziad al Nakhla in Damascus.

–we have staged a major strike on Yemen.

–we have carried out daily and nightly operations throughout Judea and Samaria which have eliminated hundreds of terrorists and the assets of terror organiztions.

And now, we are preparing for a major strike on Iran attacking as yet unknown targets.

Just consider what happened yesterday:

*The statement of the IDF spokesman concerning operations in southern Lebanon:

“100 fighter jets of the air force attacked yesterday in a wide attack in southern Lebanon the purpose of which was to damage the underground headquarters of Hezbollah units in southern Lebanon; Nasser, Bader and Aziz as well as Radwan forces in the area.

For years, the southern front of the terrorist organization Hezbollah has built an extensive array of infrastructure and underground headquarters in southern Lebanon with the aim of harming IDF forces during combat and carrying out an attack plan against the Galilee communities.

Under the precise direction of the Intelligence Division in cooperation with the Northern Command and the Operations Division, the fighter jets launched a series of attacks in order to destroy these infrastructures and eliminate the terrorists and the commanders who resided in them and conducted the fighting against the State of Israel from them. The attacks help the IDF ground forces, which operate in southern Lebanon, this is another part of the change in the security reality in the north.

According to estimates made in the last day, 50 infrastructures of the ‘Aziz’ unit, 30 targets of the ‘Nasser’ unit and 5 targets of the ‘Badar’ unit were destroyed. In addition, about 10 targets of the Radwan force, the intelligence headquarters, and about 30 targets of the medium-range rocket array in southern Lebanon were attacked.

In the attacks, at least 50 Hezbollah terrorists were killed, including:

* Ahmed Hassan Nazal, from the Radwan force, in charge of the area of ​​attack in Bent Jabeel.
* Hossein Talal Kamal, in charge of the Hajir sector.
* Musa Diav Barakat, responsible for the outgoing Hajir sector.
* Mahmoud Musa Karniv, head of operations in the Hajir sector.
* Ali Ahmed Ismail, in charge of the artillery in the Bint Jabeel sector.
* Abdullah Ali Dakik, head of the artillery in the Hajir sector.”

All in all, the IDF’s achievements are remarkable, and our soldiers who are responsible for those achievements have performed heroically.

Hezbollah Missile Attacks

Yesterday’s barrages of some 200 missiles resulted in at least 18 Israeli casualties–all of which were minor and shrapnel-related.

Today’s attacks so far: 04:53 Shlomi, Betzet, Lehman, Rosh HaNikra; 05:56 Metulla; 07:36 Hanita, Shlomi, Betzet; 08:20 Avivim; 08:26 Ein Carmel, Caesarea, Ma’agen Michael, Neveh Yam, Jisr az-Zarqa; 09:00 Manara, Margaliot.

The Gallant Farce Continues

Yesterday we described how Defense Minister Gallant was on the verge of taking off for Washington yesterday when PM Netanyahu stopped him.

As we noted, Gallant had, incredibly, not even discussed the trip with Netanyahu nor did he have permission for anything he was going to tell President Biden and his minions.

So yesterday, Netanyahu told Gallant could not go until he (Netanyahu) first had a telephone conversation with President Biden and second that Gallant’s excursion was discussed in the Cabinet.

As you may not know, during the recent intense conflict that has taken place in Gaza and Lebanon (and even the ballistic missile attack from Iran), Netanyahu and Biden have not spoken at all. The last conversation between them was on August 22.

What we have had is Biden going making comments on an almost daily basis about what Israel is going to do or not dowith little idea of what he is talking about. Just as egregious is the fact that Biden has been doing all he can to stop Israel from attacking by going behind PM Netanyahu’s back with people like Gallant.

Simply unbelievable.

Speaking of Unbelievable

Yesterday, IDF forces thwarted a terrorist stabbing attack at the Tarkumiya Checkpoint in Judea–in the process of which a soldier shot the terrorist in the leg.

Next, insanely, he was rushed to the hospital to care for his leg.

Once there, the terrorist tried to grab the weapon of a female soldier who was guarding him.

Once again he was subdued.

Who knows who he will kill or try to kill today?


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